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indexed switch statement, or equivalent? .net, C#

I want to build a method which accepts a string param, and an object which I would like to return a particular member of based on the param. So, the easiest method is to build a switch statement:

public GetMemberByName(MyObject myobj, string name)
     case "PropOne": return myobj.prop1;
     case "PropTwo": return myobj.prop2; 

This works fine, but I may wind up with a rather large list... So I was curious if there's a way, without writing a bunch of nested if-else structures, to accomplish this in an indexed way, so that the matching field is found by index instead of falling through a switch until a match is found.

I considered using a Dictionary<string, something> to give fast access to the matching strings (as the key member) but since I'm wanting to access a member of a passed-in object, I'm not sure how this could be accomplished.

  • I'm specifically trying to avoid reflection etc in order to have a very fast implementation. I'll likely use code generation, so the solution doesn't need to be small/tight etc.

  • I originally was building a dictionary of but each object was initializing it. So I began to move this to a single method that can look up the values based on the keys- a switch statement. But since I'm no longer indexed, I'm afraid the continuous lookups calling this method would be slow.

  • SO: I am looking for a way to combine the performance of an indexed/hashed lookup (like the Dictionary uses) with returning particular properties of a passed-in object. I'll likely put this in a static method within each class it is used for.

like image 876
Brady Moritz Avatar asked Jul 29 '10 18:07

Brady Moritz

1 Answers

Here's a quick mockup of something that could work for any class (using reflection rather than a switch statement):

public static object GetMemberByName<T>(T obj, string name)
    PropertyInfo prop = typeof(T).GetProperty(name);
    if(prop != null)
        return prop.GetValue(obj, null);

    throw new ArgumentException("Named property doesn't exist.");

Or an Extension Method version (which will still work on any object type):

public static object GetMemberByName<T>(this T obj, string name)
    PropertyInfo prop = typeof(T).GetProperty(name);
    if(prop != null)
        return prop.GetValue(obj, null);

    throw new ArgumentException("Named property doesn't exist.");

Obviously there's some additional error checking you might want to do, but this would be a start.

I also returned the type object from the methods for a reason. This allows the caller to handle casting the value however they see fit (if they need to cast at all).

like image 180
Justin Niessner Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 22:10

Justin Niessner