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index.d.ts vs. normal type file?



If I want one place to define my types accessible to the rest of the project, am I supposed to use index.d.ts or just define like any other .ts file?

Currently, I have a folder <root>/src/types/index.ts that works, and it compiles to <root>/dist, where <root> contains package.json, tsconfig.json, etc. I was wondering if this was normal practice or if I am supposed to define a index.d.ts. I am unsure of the usage of index.d.ts because it seems like it is for when publishing .js npm modules, whereas I just have my own small project that is all .ts. Also if I am to use index.d.ts, should it go at the level of <root> or <root>/src?

like image 563
atkayla Avatar asked Dec 11 '18 06:12


People also ask

What is a index D ts file?

*. d. ts files are used to provide typescript type information about a module that's written in JavaScript, for example, underscore / lodash / aws-sdk. This will allow you to use the javascript modules without the need to convert them to ts without getting any type of error on your code.

What is Types D ts file?

d. ts files are declaration files that contain only type information. These files don't produce . js outputs; they are only used for typechecking. We'll learn more about how to write our own declaration files later.

What is the difference between .ts and D ts?

ts allows a subset of TypeScript's features. A *. d. ts file is only allowed to contain TypeScript code that doesn't generate any JavaScript code in the output.

Are D ts files automatically generated?

Commonly, if you write a TypeScript library you auto-generate the JavaScript and declaration file and package those rather than the original TypeScript.

1 Answers

If I want one place to define my types accessible to the rest of the project, am I supposed to use index.d.ts or just define like any other .ts file?

TL;DR: If you are have an existing JavaScript library, you use a .d.ts file to define its types. If you are creating new types in your project from scratch, you use .ts files.

.d.ts files are type definition files. Their purpose is to allow interacting with third party JavaScript APIs in a strongly typed manner via TypeScript. You can learn more about these files on DefinitelyTyped and search for existing definitions using Microsoft's TypeSearch. If you are using an API that you cannot find type definitions for, you might consider writing your own .d.ts files following Microsoft's guidelines. You might also take a look at how to produce a .d.ts “typings” definition file from an existing JavaScript library.

I want one place to define my types accessible to the rest of the project

You might want to checkout barrels. Barrels are a way to aggregate multiple modules so you can import their content with a single statement. See also: What are all the index.ts used for? This allows you more flexibility when structuring your project as you can have multiple files in multiple folders and aggregate them for easier importing. Note that you would need a module bundler such as webpack that supports using barrels.

Also if I am to use index.d.ts, should it go at the level of <root> or <root>/src?

This is not exactly a matter of it being index.d.ts or index.ts but of module resolution.

like image 59
Søren D. Ptæus Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10

Søren D. Ptæus