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Index hint with mongodb csharp

I am migrating from the mongodb csharp driver 1.10.0 to 2.0.0. One of the collection I am using is very big and has to fulfill many queries with different filter attributes. That is why I was relying on some index hint statements. With the v1.10 driver it looks like


I searched the v2 driver api but this hint method seems to be completly removed in the v2 driver. Is there an alternative? How should I do index hints with the v2 driver?

Note: The Solutions provided works for latest mongodb csharp drivers as well

like image 636
humpa17 Avatar asked Feb 11 '23 05:02


2 Answers

You can use the FindOptions.Modifiers property.

var modifiers = new BsonDocument("$hint", "myIndexName"); 
await myCollection.Find(query, new FindOptions { Modifiers = modifiers }).ToListAsync();

May I ask why you are using the hint? Was the server consistently choosing the wrong index? You shouldn't need to do this except in exceptional cases.


like image 77
Craig Wilson Avatar answered Feb 27 '23 10:02

Craig Wilson

Ideally, try to make the query in a way that mongodb optimizer can use the index automatically.

If you are using FindAsync then you will have a property named Hint. Use it like this:

If you have index named "myIndexName" which you want your query should use forcefully, then use like this:.

BsonString bsonString = new BsonString("myIndexName");

cursor = await collection.FindAsync(y => y.Population > 400000000,
new FindOptions<Person, Person>()
     BatchSize = 200,
     NoCursorTimeout = true,
     AllowPartialResults = true,
     Projection = "{'_id':1,'Name':1,'Population':1}"
     Hint = bsonString.AsBsonValue,

You can fine BsonString class in MongoDB.Bson

like image 24
KushalSeth Avatar answered Feb 27 '23 11:02
