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MongoDB Drivers (Query Builder) missing from drivers?


Hi, I'm trying to update some code to use async with the updated mongo driver that's all going well, However I can't Find QUERY from Mongodb.Drivers.Builders.Query, where's it gone ? What should i use in it's place ? or is it safe to install the legacy driver with the newer ?

I cannot find the MongoDB.Driver.Builders namespace ???

BTW, here's the query just in case there's something new

var queryplaces = Query.WithinCircle("Loc", lon, lat, maxDistanceInRadians);
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fuzzybear Avatar asked Feb 11 '23 12:02


1 Answers

I had the same issue. a little research about the Update and Query class helped me get to the solution.

Namespace: MongoDB.Driver.Builders
Assembly: MongoDB.Driver.Legacy (in MongoDB.Driver.Legacy.dll) Version: 2.0.0

The MongoDB.Driver.Legacy.dll was missing in the references.

Hence I installed the Legacy (Official C# driver for MongoDB) package and that resolved the issue.

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Kinjal Nandu Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 03:02

Kinjal Nandu