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Increment a value in Postgres

People also ask

Does PostgreSQL have auto increment?

PostgreSQL has the data types smallserial, serial and bigserial; these are not true types, but merely a notational convenience for creating unique identifier columns. These are similar to AUTO_INCREMENT property supported by some other databases.

Does Postgres auto increment primary key?

By simply setting our id column as SERIAL with PRIMARY KEY attached, Postgres will handle all the complicated behind-the-scenes work and automatically increment our id column with a unique, primary key value for every INSERT .

What is Upsert in PostgreSQL?

The UPSERT statement is a DBMS feature that allows a DML statement's author to either insert a row or if the row already exists, UPDATE that existing row instead. That is why the action is known as UPSERT (simply a mix of Update and Insert).

UPDATE totals 
   SET total = total + 1
WHERE name = 'bill';

If you want to make sure the current value is indeed 203 (and not accidently increase it again) you can also add another condition:

UPDATE totals 
   SET total = total + 1
WHERE name = 'bill'
  AND total = 203;