The Problem
In F#, I am using FsCheck to generate an object (which I'm then using in an Xunit test, but I can recreate entirely outside of Xunit, so I think we can forget about Xunit). Running the generation 20 times in FSI,
25% of the time, the generation throws:
System.ArgumentException: The input must be non-negative.
Parameter name: index
> at Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.SeqModule.Item[T](Int32 index, IEnumerable`1 source)
at [email protected](Int32 n, StdGen r0) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck\Gen.fs:line 63
at FsCheck.Gen.go@290-1[b](FSharpList`1 gs, FSharpList`1 acc, Int32 size, StdGen r0) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck\Gen.fs:line 295
at [email protected](Int32 n, StdGen r) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck\Gen.fs:line 297
at [email protected](Int32 n, StdGen r0) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck\Gen.fs:line 63
at FsCheck.Gen.sample@155[a](Int32 size, Gen`1 gn, Int32 i, StdGen seed, FSharpList`1 samples) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck\Gen.fs:line 157
at FsCheck.Gen.Sample[a](Int32 size, Int32 n, Gen`1 gn) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck\Gen.fs:line 155
at <StartupCode$FSI_0026>.$FSI_0026.main@() in C:\projects\Alberta\Core\TestFunc\Script.fsx:line 57
Stopped due to error
25% of the time, the generation throws:
System.ArgumentException: The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
Parameter name: index
> at Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.IEnumerator.nth[T](Int32 index, IEnumerator`1 e)
at Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.SeqModule.Item[T](Int32 index, IEnumerable`1 source)
at [email protected](Int32 n, StdGen r0) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck\Gen.fs:line 63
at FsCheck.Gen.go@290-1[b](FSharpList`1 gs, FSharpList`1 acc, Int32 size, StdGen r0) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck\Gen.fs:line 295
at [email protected](Int32 n, StdGen r) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck\Gen.fs:line 297
at [email protected](Int32 n, StdGen r0) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck\Gen.fs:line 63
at FsCheck.Gen.sample@155[a](Int32 size, Gen`1 gn, Int32 i, StdGen seed, FSharpList`1 samples) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck\Gen.fs:line 157
at FsCheck.Gen.Sample[a](Int32 size, Int32 n, Gen`1 gn) in C:\Users\Kurt\Projects\FsCheck\FsCheck\src\FsCheck\Gen.fs:line 155
at <StartupCode$FSI_0025>.$FSI_0025.main@() in C:\projects\Alberta\Core\TestFunc\Script.fsx:line 57
Stopped due to error
The Situation
The object is as follows:
type Event =
| InitEvent of string
| RefEvent of string
type Stream = Event seq
The object must be follow these rules to be valid:
The Working Workaround
If I have the generator call a function which returns a valid object and do a Gen.constant (function), I never run into the exceptions, but this is not the way FsCheck is meant to be run! :)
/// <summary>
/// This is a non-generator equivalent which is 100% reliable
/// </summary>
let randomStream size =
// valid names for a sample
let names = Gen.sample size size Arb.generate<string> |> List.distinct
// init events
let initEvents = names |> fun name -> name |> InitEvent )
// reference events
let createRefEvent name = name |> RefEvent
let genRefEvent = createRefEvent <!> Gen.elements names
let refEvents = Gen.sample size size genRefEvent
// combine
Seq.append initEvents refEvents
type MyGenerators =
static member Stream() = {
new Arbitrary<Stream>() with
override x.Generator = Gen.sized( fun size -> Gen.constant (randomStream size) )
// repeatedly running the following two lines ALWAYS works
let foo = Gen.sample 10 10 Arb.generate<Stream>
The Broken Right Way?
I cannot seem to completely get away from generating a constant (need to store the list of names outside of the InitEvents so that RefEvent generation can get at them, but I can get more in line with how FsCheck generators seem to work:
type MyGenerators =
static member Stream() = {
new Arbitrary<Stream>() with
override x.Generator = Gen.sized( fun size ->
// valid names for a sample
let names = Gen.sample size size Arb.generate<string> |> List.distinct
// generate inits
let genInits = Gen.constant (names |> InitEvent) |> List.toSeq
// generate refs
let makeRef name = name |> RefEvent
let genName = Gen.elements names
let genRef = makeRef <!> genName
Seq.append <!> genInits <*> ( genRef |> Gen.listOf )
// repeatedly running the following two lines causes the inconsistent errors
// If I don't re-register my generator, I always get the same samples.
// Is this because FsCheck is trying to be deterministic?
let foo = Gen.sample 10 10 Arb.generate<Stream>
What I've Already Checked
EDIT(S): Attempts to Solve
The code in Mark Seemann's answer works, but yields a slightly different object than I was looking for (I was unclear in my object rules -- now hopefully clarified). Putting his working code in my generator:
type MyGenerators =
static member Stream() = {
new Arbitrary<Stream>() with
override x.Generator =
gen {
let! uniqueStrings = Arb.Default.Set<string>().Generator
let initEvents = uniqueStrings |> InitEvent
let! sortValues =
|> Arb.toGen
|> Gen.listOfLength uniqueStrings.Count
let refEvents = uniqueStrings sortValues
|> Seq.sortBy snd
|> fst
|> RefEvent
return Seq.append initEvents refEvents
This yields an object where every InitEvent has a matching RefEvent, and there is only one RefEvent for each InitEvent. I'm trying to tweak the code so that I can get multiple RefEvents for each name, and not all names need to have a RefEvent. ex: Init foo, Init bar, Ref foo, Ref foo is perfectly valid. Trying to tweak this with:
type MyGenerators =
static member Stream() = {
new Arbitrary<Stream>() with
override x.Generator =
gen {
let! uniqueStrings = Arb.Default.Set<string>().Generator
let initEvents = uniqueStrings |> InitEvent
// changed section starts
let makeRef name = name |> RefEvent
let genRef = makeRef <!> Gen.elements uniqueStrings
return! Seq.append initEvents <!> ( genRef |> Gen.listOf )
// changed section ends
The modified code still exhibits the inconsistent behavior. Interestingly, out of 20 sample runs, only three worked (down from 10), while the insufficient number of elements was thrown 8 times and The input must be non-negative was thrown 9 times -- these changes have made the edge case more than twice as likely to be hit. We're now down to a very small section of code with the error.
Mark quickly responded with another version to address changed requirements:
type MyGenerators =
static member Stream() = {
new Arbitrary<Stream>() with
override x.Generator =
gen {
let! uniqueStrings = Arb.Default.NonEmptySet<string>().Generator
let initEvents = uniqueStrings.Get |> InitEvent
let! refEvents =
uniqueStrings.Get |> RefEvent |> Gen.elements |> Gen.listOf
return Seq.append initEvents refEvents
This allowed for some names to not have a RefEvent.
FINAL CODE A very minor tweak gets it so that duplicate RefEvents can happen:
type MyGenerators =
static member Stream() = {
new Arbitrary<Stream>() with
override x.Generator =
gen {
let! uniqueStrings = Arb.Default.NonEmptySet<string>().Generator
let initEvents = uniqueStrings.Get |> InitEvent
let! refEvents =
//uniqueStrings.Get |> RefEvent |> Gen.elements |> Gen.listOf
Gen.elements uniqueStrings.Get |> RefEvent |> Gen.listOf
return Seq.append initEvents refEvents
Big thanks to Mark Seemann!
Here's one way to address the requirements:
open FsCheck
let streamGen = gen {
let! uniqueStrings = Arb.Default.Set<string>().Generator
let initEvents = uniqueStrings |> InitEvent
let! sortValues =
|> Arb.toGen
|> Gen.listOfLength uniqueStrings.Count
let refEvents = uniqueStrings sortValues
|> Seq.sortBy snd
|> fst
|> RefEvent
return Seq.append initEvents refEvents }
The semi-official answer on how to generate unique strings is to generate a Set<string>
. Since Set<'a>
also implements 'a seq
, you can use all the normal Seq
functions on it.
Generating the InitEvent
values, then, is a simple map
operation over the unique strings.
Since each RefEvent
must have a corresponding InitEvent
, you can reuse the same unique strings, but you may want to give the RefEvent
values on option to appear in a different order. To do that, you can generate sortValues
, which is a list of random int
values. This list has the same length as the set of strings.
At this point, you have a list of unique strings, and a list of random integers. Here are some fake values that illustrate the concept:
> let uniqueStrings = ["foo"; "bar"; "baz"];;
val uniqueStrings : string list = ["foo"; "bar"; "baz"]
> let sortValues = [42; 1337; 42];;
val sortValues : int list = [42; 1337; 42]
You can now zip
> uniqueStrings sortValues;;
val it : (string * int) list = [("foo", 42); ("bar", 1337); ("baz", 42)]
Sorting such a sequence on its second element will give you a randomly shuffled list, and then you can map
to only the first element:
> uniqueStrings sortValues |> List.sortBy snd |> fst;;
val it : string list = ["foo"; "baz"; "bar"]
Since all InitEvent
values must come before the RefEvent
values, you can now append refEvents
to initEvents
, and return this combined list.
You can verify that streamGen
works as intended:
open FsCheck.Xunit
open Swensen.Unquote
let isInitEvent = function InitEvent _ -> true | _ -> false
let isRefEvent = function RefEvent _ -> true | _ -> false
[<Property(MaxTest = 100000)>]
let ``All InitEvents must come before all RefEvents`` () =
Prop.forAll (streamGen |> Arb.fromGen) <| fun s ->
test <@ s |> Seq.skipWhile isInitEvent |> Seq.forall isRefEvent @>
[<Property(MaxTest = 100000)>]
let ``All InitEvents strings must be unique`` () =
Prop.forAll (streamGen |> Arb.fromGen) <| fun s ->
let initEventStrings =
s |> Seq.choose (function InitEvent s -> Some s | _ -> None)
let distinctStrings = initEventStrings |> Seq.distinct
distinctStrings |> Seq.length =! (initEventStrings |> Seq.length)
[<Property(MaxTest = 100000)>]
let ``All RefEvent names must have an earlier corresponding InitEvent`` () =
Prop.forAll (streamGen |> Arb.fromGen) <| fun s ->
let initEventStrings =
|> Seq.choose (function InitEvent s -> Some s | _ -> None)
|> Seq.sort
|> Seq.toList
let refEventStrings =
|> Seq.choose (function RefEvent s -> Some s | _ -> None)
|> Seq.sort
|> Seq.toList
initEventStrings =! refEventStrings
These three properties all pass on my machine.
Based on the looser requirements outlined in the comments to this answer, here's an updated generator that draws values from the InitEvents
open FsCheck
let streamGen = gen {
let! uniqueStrings = Arb.Default.NonEmptySet<string>().Generator
let initEvents = uniqueStrings.Get |> InitEvent
let! refEvents =
uniqueStrings.Get |> RefEvent |> Gen.elements |> Gen.listOf
return Seq.append initEvents refEvents }
This time, uniqueStrings
is a non-empty set of strings.
You can use RefEvent
to generate a sequence of all valid RefEvent
values based on uniqueStrings
, and then Gen.elements
to defined a generator of valid RefEvent
values that draws from that sequence of valid values. Finally, Gen.listOf
creates lists of values generated by that generator.
These tests demonstrate that streamGen
generates values according to the rules:
open FsCheck.Xunit
open Swensen.Unquote
let isInitEvent = function InitEvent _ -> true | _ -> false
let isRefEvent = function RefEvent _ -> true | _ -> false
[<Property(MaxTest = 100000)>]
let ``All InitEvents must come before all RefEvents`` () =
Prop.forAll (streamGen |> Arb.fromGen) <| fun s ->
test <@ s |> Seq.skipWhile isInitEvent |> Seq.forall isRefEvent @>
[<Property(MaxTest = 100000)>]
let ``All InitEvents strings must be unique`` () =
Prop.forAll (streamGen |> Arb.fromGen) <| fun s ->
let initEventStrings =
s |> Seq.choose (function InitEvent s -> Some s | _ -> None)
let distinctStrings = initEventStrings |> Seq.distinct
distinctStrings |> Seq.length =! (initEventStrings |> Seq.length)
[<Property(MaxTest = 100000)>]
let ``All RefEvent names must have an earlier corresponding InitEvent`` () =
Prop.forAll (streamGen |> Arb.fromGen) <| fun s ->
let initEventStrings =
|> Seq.choose (function InitEvent s -> Some s | _ -> None)
|> Seq.sort
|> Set.ofSeq
test <@ s
|> Seq.choose (function RefEvent s -> Some s | _ -> None)
|> Seq.forall initEventStrings.Contains @>
These three properties all pass on my machine.
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