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Include a javascript for composite component only once in a page despite of composite components themselves used multiple times

How do I include a JavaScript code only once for multiple usages of a composite component on a page?

Initially I had put I put the JS code inside the cc:implementation tags but that lead to the script being included each time with the components. I want to avoid this condition and include the JavaScript only once even if component has been used multiple times on a page.

like image 751
Rajat Gupta Avatar asked Sep 12 '11 18:09

Rajat Gupta

1 Answers

Include the static part of that JS code as a standalone JS file by <h:outputScript> with target="head". It'll be rendered into <h:head> just once.

    <h:outputScript name="js/myCompositeHelper.js" target="head" />
like image 186
BalusC Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10
