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In XSD's request for the permission of type 'system.security.permissions.fileiopermission mscorlib version=




I am validating my request using xxx.XSD file. In xxx.XSD file I am including another xsd files also. When I am trying to inlcude another xsd file using , it is showing below error.

"Request for the permission of type 'system.security.permissions.fileiopermission mscorlib version= cultrer='neutral, PublicToken='zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz' failed.

Note: I am not using any web.conig file. It is simple ClassLibraryProject in VSStudio2010, In vb class file I am doing xsd validation for request xml before sending it to service for response.

like image 983
Madhu Sudhakar Avatar asked Sep 19 '13 06:09

Madhu Sudhakar

1 Answers

Had this issue myself - it was because Win 7 had blocked the schema files due to them being copied in from a network location.

To unblock, either navigate to the file and use Properties > Unblock, or for multiple files it's quickest to use Sysinternals' Streams to bulk change the location as described in this blog post.

like image 141
AndyWilson Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10
