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In VBA should code that modifies document be avoided in a class module


I am starting to use Classes in VBA and appreciate some of the fantastic information that is already available on SO.

As far as I can tell, what seems to be lacking is an explanation of what the code in a class should or, as I suspect, should NOT do. For example:

Lets say I have a document and wish to insert / modify a table. In this example I'd like to:

  • check if the table exists
  • if table does not exist:
    • add the table at a specific location
    • add information to the table (i.e. add rows)
  • if table does exist
    • add / delete information to /from the table
    • sort the table according to some criteria

With respect to 'sorting' I imagine that a class module would be well suited to determining the order that information should be put into a table based on some criteria.

But ideally:

  • Should the class module (or a 2nd class module) be used to check and edit the document?


  • Would checking and/or editing be best done using a regular module?

Or doesn't it matter? If there is a preferred way then what are the advantages / disadvantages of each approach?

like image 615
SlowLearner Avatar asked Jul 11 '17 04:07


People also ask

What's the difference between a module and a class module in VBA?

Difference 2 – Number of copies When you create a variable in a normal module there is only one copy of it. For a class module, there is one copy of the variable for each object you create. For the normal module variable there will only be one copy of this variable in our application.

What is the purpose of modules in VBA?

Standard Code Modules, also called simply Code Modules or just Modules, are where you put most of your VBA code. Your basic macros and your custom function (User Defined Functions) should be in these modules. For the novice programmer, all your code will be in standard modules.

What is a class module in VBA and what is its use?

Class module in VBA can be defined as the module that helps to create your own objects with your own properties and methods like worksheets and range objectives of excel. In simple terms with the help VBA class module, we can create objects with own properties.

Which VBA component is used to modify an object?

You use the CodeModule object to modify (add, delete, or edit) the code associated with a component. Each component is associated with one CodeModule object.

1 Answers

First off, kudos for entering the wonderful rabbit hole of OOP!

Short answer: It depends.

(very) long answer:

You'll want to avoid pulling a worksheet [that exists at compile-time] from the Application.Worksheets (or Application.Sheets) collection, and use that sheet's CodeName instead. VBA creates a global-scope object reference for you to use, named after every worksheet's CodeName.

That's how this code gets to compile, with Sheet1 not being declared anywhere:

Option Explicit

Sub Test()
    Debug.Print Sheet1.CodeName
End Sub

The problem with implementing worksheet-specific functionality anywhere other than in that worksheet's code-behind, using that global-scope "free" object variable, is that the separate module is now coupled with that Sheet1 object.

Class module depending on a worksheet. Any worksheet.

You want focused, cohesive modules - high cohesion. And low coupling.

By writing worksheet-specific code in another module (be it a standard or a class module), you're creating a dependency and increasing coupling, which reduces testability - consider this code in Class1:

Public Sub DoSomething()
    With Sheet1
        ' do stuff
    End With
End Sub

Now Class1 can only ever work with Sheet1. This would be better:

Public Sub DoSomething(ByVal sheet As Worksheet)
    With sheet
        ' do stuff
    End With
End Sub

What happened here? Dependency Injection. We have a dependency on a specific sheet, but instead of coding against that specific object, we tell the world "give me any worksheet and I'll do my thing with it". That's at method level.

If a class means to work with a single specific worksheet, and exposes multiple methods that do various things with that worksheet, having a ByVal sheet As Worksheet parameter on every single method doesn't make much sense.

Instead you'll inject it as a property:

Private mSheet As Worksheet

Public Property Get Sheet() As Worksheet
    Set Sheet = mSheet
End Property

Public Property Set Sheet(ByVal value As Worksheet)
    Set mSheet = value
End Property

And now all methods of that class can work with Sheet... the only problem is that the client code consuming that class now needs to remember to Set that Sheet property, otherwise errors can be expected. That's bad design IMO.

One solution could be to push the Dependency Injection Principle a notch further, and actually depend on abstractions; we formalize the interface we want to expose for that class, using another class module that will act as the interface - that IClass1 class doesn't implement anything, it just defines stubs for what's exposed:

Option Explicit

Public Property Get Sheet() As Worksheet
End Property

Public Sub DoSomething()
End Sub

Our Class1 class module can now implement that interface, and if you've been following this far, hopefully I don't lose you here:

NOTE: Module and member attributes are not visible in the VBE. They're represented here with their corresponding Rubberduck annotations.

Option Explicit
Implements IClass1

Private mSheet As Worksheet

Public Function Create(ByVal pSheet As Worksheet) As IClass1
    With New Class1
        Set .Sheet = pSheet
        Set Create = .Self
    End With
End Function

Friend Property Get Self() As IClass1
    Set Self = Me
End Property

Private Property Get IClass1_Sheet() As Worksheet
    Set IClass1_Sheet = mSheet
End Property

Private Sub IClass1_DoSomething()
    'implementation goes here
End Sub

This Class1 class module presents two interfaces:

  • Class1 members, accessible from the PredeclaredId instance:
    • Create(ByVal pSheet As Worksheet) As IClass1
    • Self() As IClass1
  • IClass1 members, accessible from the IClass1 interface:
    • Sheet() As Worksheet
    • DoSomething()

Now the calling code can look like this:

Dim foo As IClass1
Set foo = Class1.Create(Sheet1)
Debug.Assert foo.Sheet Is Sheet1

Because it's written against the IClass1 interface, the calling code only "sees" the Sheet and DoSomething members. Because of the VB_PredeclaredId attribute of Class1, the Create function can be accessed via the Class1 default instance, pretty much exactly like Sheet1 gets accessed without creating an instance (UserForm classes have that default instance, too).

This is the factory design pattern: we're using the default instance as a factory whose role is to create and initialize an implementation of the IClass1 interface, which Class1 just so happens to be implementing.

With Class1 completely decoupled from Sheet1, there's absolutely nothing wrong with having Class1 responsible for everything that needs to happen on whatever worksheet it's initialized with.

Coupling is taken care of. Cohesion is another problem entirely: if you find Class1 is growing hair and tentacles and becomes responsible for so many things you don't even know what it was written for anymore, chances are that the Single Responsibility Principle is taking a beating, and that the IClass1 interface has so many unrelated members that the Interface Segregation Principle is also taking a beating, and the reason for that is probably because the interface wasn't designed with the Open/Closed Principle in mind.

The above couldn't be implemented with standard modules. Standard modules don't play quite well with OOP, which means tighter coupling and thus lower testability.


There isn't one single "right" way to design anything.

  • If your code can deal with being tightly coupled with a specific worksheet, prefer implementing the functionality for that worksheet in that worksheet's code-behind, for better cohesion. Still use specialized objects (classes) for specialized tasks: if your worksheet code-behind is responsible for setting up a database connection, sending a parameterized query over the network, retrieving the results and dumping them into the worksheet, then you're Doing It Wrong™ and now testing that code in isolation, without hitting the database, is impossible.
  • If your code is more complex and can't afford tight coupling with a specific worksheet, or if the worksheet doesn't exist at compile-time, implement the functionality in a class that can work with any worksheet, and have a class that's responsible for the model of that runtime-created sheet.

IMO a standard module should only be used to expose entry points (macros, UDFs, Rubberduck test methods, and with Option Private Module, some common utility functions), and contain fairly little code that merely initializes objects and their dependencies, and then it's classes all the way down.

like image 145
Mathieu Guindon Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 04:10

Mathieu Guindon