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In SQLite, how do I select elements in one table that are not in other?




I've two tables in SQLite:



My question is, how do I write an SQL query that returns names in Table2 that are not in Table1?

For example:

1, 'john'
2, 'boda',
3, 'cydo',
4, 'linus'

1123, 'boda'
2992, 'andy',
9331, 'sille',
2,    'cydo'

In this example the SQL query should return elements andy, and sille from Table2, because they're not in Table1.

like image 689
bodacydo Avatar asked Feb 11 '13 18:02


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To select data from an SQLite database, use the SELECT statement. When you use this statement, you specify which table/s to select data from, as well as the columns to return from the query. You can also provide extra criteria to further narrow down the data that is returned.

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To query data from multiple tables, you use INNER JOIN clause. The INNER JOIN clause combines columns from correlated tables.

1 Answers

This is how to do it in "obvious" standard SQL:

select *
from table2
where temp_name not in (select name from table1)

There are other methods, such as using left outer join, exists in the where clause, and the except operation.

like image 64
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 20:10

Gordon Linoff