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SQL foreach loop



I'm very new at SQL scripts and couldn't figure out how to make a specific for each loop. I need to do something like this:

I have Sites and SiteCrawls tables.

Basically, for every site I need to create a new SiteCrawl and that SiteCrawl's Site_ID column will equal to that site's ID.

How can I do this?

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heaten Avatar asked Nov 28 '11 16:11


4 Answers

insert SiteCrawl
from Site as s
where s.Site_ID not in (select Site_ID from SiteCrawl)
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canon Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 21:10


insert into site_crawl (site_id) values (select site_id from site);

So basically: there is no specific for/each in plain SQL, you handle tables and rows of results always as one statement. So you could also say: there is no way an SQL Statement is something else than a for/each. With that knowledge, you can see that the above query will insert one row into site_crawl for every site_id in the site table. You most likely want to use more values than this, but given the information from your question that is all I can do for you :)

Also: you want to read more about what sql is and how its used.

Have fun, SQL is a lot of fun!

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Angelo Fuchs Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 23:10

Angelo Fuchs

In SQL you typically don't want to loop over every record. It's very inefficient.

You could do something like

insert into SiteCrawl (Site_Id)
select Id from Sites
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taylonr Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 22:10


insert into SiteCrawls (SiteID)
select SiteID 
  from Sites
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datagod Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 21:10
