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In Spring Kafka, do I need to add the @EnableKafka annotation to my application?

I see some people adding @EnableKafka to their spring boot application and I was wondering why. I have a working spring boot kafka producer and consumer and I didn't use @EnableKafka. So, why do people need to add it explicitly?

Thank you.

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crillin Avatar asked Apr 16 '20 18:04


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2 Answers

That is because Spring boot provides an auto configuration for Kafka via KafkaAutoConfiguration class (javadoc). When you use @EnableAutoConfiguration or @SpringBootApplication, Spring boot automatically configures Kafka for you.

You can test that by excluding the auto configuration by providing @SpringBootApplication(exclude={KafkaAutoConfiguration.class}), and Spring boot would not automatically configure Kafka for you.

If you don't use Spring boot, then you would have to use @EnableKafka to configure Kafka for your Spring app.

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Madhu Bhat Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Madhu Bhat

Spring Boot auto-configures @EnableKafka if it detects spring-kafka on the class path.

It is therefore not needed again on a boot app; it is only needed if your Spring app is not a Boot app.

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Gary Russell Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Gary Russell