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In Sinatra(Ruby), how should I create global variables which are assigned values only once in the application lifetime?

In Sinatra, I'm unable to create global variables which are assigned values only once in the application lifetime. Am I missing something? My simplified code looks like this:

require 'rubygems' if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9" require 'sinatra/base'  class WebApp < Sinatra::Base   @a = 1    before do     @b = 2     end    get '/' do     puts @a, @b     "#{@a}, #{@b}"   end  end  WebApp.run! 

This results in

nil 2 

in the terminal and ,2 in the browser.

If I try to put @a = 1 in the initialize method, I'm getting an error in the WebApp.run! line.

I feel I'm missing something because if I can't have global variables, then how can I load large data during application instantiation?

before do seems to get called every time there is a request from the client side.

like image 568
arrac Avatar asked Dec 24 '10 09:12


People also ask

How do you declare a global variable in Ruby?

Dissecting Ruby on Rails 5 - Become a Professional DeveloperGlobal variables are always prefixed with a dollar sign. It is necessary to define a global variable to have a variable that is available across classes. When a global variable is uninitialized, it has no value by default and its use is nil.

1 Answers

class WebApp < Sinatra::Base   configure do     set :my_config_property, 'hello world'   end    get '/' do     "#{settings.my_config_property}"   end end 

Beware that if you use Shotgun, or some other Rack runner tool that reloads the code on each request the value will be recreated each time and it will look as if it's not assigned only once. Run in production mode to disable reloading and you will see that it's only assigned on the first request (you can do this with for example rackup --env production config.ru).

like image 151
Theo Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09
