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In Scala, is there a pre-existing library function for converting exceptions to Options?


This is basically to wrap java factory methods which throw exceptions if the item can't be created based on the inputs. I'm looking for something in the base library like:

 def exceptionToOption[A](f: => A):Option[A] ={     try{       Some(f)}     catch{       case e:Exception => None}   } 


val id:Option[UUID] = exceptionToOption(UUID.fromString("this will produce None")) 

I know I can write my own but I want to check I am not re-inventing the wheel.

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Noel Kennedy Avatar asked Nov 04 '11 17:11

Noel Kennedy

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1 Answers

Use scala.util.control.Exception:

import scala.util.control.Exception._  allCatch opt f 

And you can make it more sophisticated. For example, to catch only arithmetic exceptions and retrieve the exception:

scala> catching(classOf[ArithmeticException]) either (2 / 0) res5: Either[Throwable,Int] = Left(java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero) 
like image 145
Daniel C. Sobral Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10

Daniel C. Sobral