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In Python Pandas, how to use like R dplyr mutate_each

In Python Pandas, I want to add columns by executing multiple aggregate functions on multiple columns like R dplyr mutate_each. For example, Can Python Pandas realize the same processing as the following R script?

R dplyr :

 iris %>%
   group_by(Species) %>%
   mutate_each(funs(min, max, mean), starts_with("Sepal"))

However, I was able to achieve the same processing as mutate with Pandas. As shown in the code below, I could execute one aggregate function and add one column.

R dplyr :

 iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% mutate(MaxSepalLen = max(Sepal.Length))

Python Pandas :

 iris.assign(MaxSepalLen = iris.groupby("Species")["Sepal.Length"].transform('max'))
like image 713
user0471959328 Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 15:11


1 Answers

With Pandas, this can be accomplished in a more lenghty way.

First, let's prepare the data:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
iris_data = load_iris()
iris = pd.DataFrame(iris_data.data, columns = [c[0:3] + c[6] for c in iris_data.feature_names])
iris['Species'] = iris_data.target_names[iris_data.target]

Now we can imitate the mutate_each pipeline:

# calculate the aggregates
pivot = iris.groupby("Species")[iris.columns[iris.columns.str.startswith('sepal')]
                               ].aggregate(['min', 'max', np.mean])
# name the aggregates
pivot.columns = pivot.columns.get_level_values(0) + pivot.columns.get_level_values(1)
# merge aggregates with the original dataframe
new_iris = iris.merge(pivot, left_on='Species', right_index=True)

The pivot table is really a small pivot table:

            seplmin  seplmax  seplmean  sepwmin  sepwmax  sepwmean
setosa          4.3      5.8     5.006      2.3      4.4     3.418
versicolor      4.9      7.0     5.936      2.0      3.4     2.770
virginica       4.9      7.9     6.588      2.2      3.8     2.974

And the new_iris is a 150x11 table with all columns from iris and pivot combined, identical to what dplyr outputs.

like image 184
David Dale Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11

David Dale