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In Python How can I declare a Dynamic Array




I want to declare an Array and all items present in the ListBox Should Be deleted irrespective of the Group name present in the ListBox. can any body help me coding in Python. I am using WINXP OS & Python 2.6.

like image 581
Srinath Avatar asked May 26 '10 07:05


People also ask

Is there a dynamic array in Python?

In python, A dynamic array is an 'array' from the array module. E.g. This datatype is essentially a cross between the built-in 'list' type and the numpy 'ndarray' type. Like an ndarray, elements in arrays are C types, specified at initialization.

How do you declare a dynamic array?

Dynamic arrays in C++ are declared using the new keyword. We use square brackets to specify the number of items to be stored in the dynamic array. Once done with the array, we can free up the memory using the delete operator. Use the delete operator with [] to free the memory of all array elements.

How do you declare a dynamic Numpy array in Python?

A Python array is dynamic and you can append new elements and delete existing ones. A NumPy array is more like an object-oriented version of a traditional C or C++ array. You can create NumPy arrays using a large range of data types from int8, uint8, float64, bool and through to complex128.

3 Answers

In Python, a list is a dynamic array. You can create one like this:

lst = [] # Declares an empty list named lst

Or you can fill it with items:

lst = [1,2,3]

You can add items using "append":


You can iterate over elements of the list using the for loop:

for item in lst:
    # Do something with item

Or, if you'd like to keep track of the current index:

for idx, item in enumerate(lst):
    # idx is the current idx, while item is lst[idx]

To remove elements, you can use the del command or the remove function as in:

del lst[0] # Deletes the first item
lst.remove(x) # Removes the first occurence of x in the list

Note, though, that one cannot iterate over the list and modify it at the same time; to do that, you should instead iterate over a slice of the list (which is basically a copy of the list). As in:

 for item in lst[:]: # Notice the [:] which makes a slice
       # Now we can modify lst, since we are iterating over a copy of it
like image 95
Michael Aaron Safyan Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 18:10

Michael Aaron Safyan

In python, A dynamic array is an 'array' from the array module. E.g.

from array import array
x = array('d')          #'d' denotes an array of type double
x.pop()                 # returns 2.2

This datatype is essentially a cross between the built-in 'list' type and the numpy 'ndarray' type. Like an ndarray, elements in arrays are C types, specified at initialization. They are not pointers to python objects; this may help avoid some misuse and semantic errors, and modestly improves performance.

However, this datatype has essentially the same methods as a python list, barring a few string & file conversion methods. It lacks all the extra numerical functionality of an ndarray.

See https://docs.python.org/2/library/array.html for details.

like image 34
ChrisM Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 17:10


Here's a great method I recently found on a different stack overflow post regarding multi-dimensional arrays, but the answer works beautifully for single dimensional arrays as well:

# Create an 8 x 5 matrix of 0's:
w, h = 8, 5;
MyMatrix = [ [0 for x in range( w )] for y in range( h ) ]  

# Create an array of objects:
MyList = [ {} for x in range( n ) ]

I love this because you can specify the contents and size dynamically, in one line!

One more for the road:

# Dynamic content initialization:
MyFunkyArray = [ x * a + b for x in range ( n ) ]
like image 5
SpaceHaze Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 17:10
