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How to group and count rows by month and year using Pandas?




I have a dataset with personal data such as name, height, weight and date of birth. I would build a graph with the number of people born in a particular month and year. I'm using python pandas to accomplish this and my strategy was to try to group by year and month and add using count. But the closest I got is to get the count of people by year or by month but not by both.


Other questions in stackoverflow point to a Grouper called TimeGrouper but searching in pandas documentation found nothing. Any idea?

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nsbm Avatar asked Aug 05 '16 14:08


People also ask

How do you group data and count in pandas?

Use count() by Column Name Use pandas DataFrame. groupby() to group the rows by column and use count() method to get the count for each group by ignoring None and Nan values. It works with non-floating type data as well.

1 Answers

To group on multiple criteria, pass a list of the columns or criteria:

df['birthdate'].groupby([df.birthdate.dt.year, df.birthdate.dt.month]).agg('count') 


In [165]: df = pd.DataFrame({'birthdate':pd.date_range(start=dt.datetime(2015,12,20),end=dt.datetime(2016,3,1))}) df.groupby([df['birthdate'].dt.year, df['birthdate'].dt.month]).agg({'count'})  Out[165]:                     birthdate                         count birthdate birthdate           2015      12               12 2016      1                31           2                29           3                 1 


As of version 0.23.0 the above code no longer works due to the restriction that multi-index level names must be unique, you now need to rename the levels in order for this to work:

In[107]: df.groupby([df['birthdate'].dt.year.rename('year'), df['birthdate'].dt.month.rename('month')]).agg({'count'})  Out[107]:             birthdate                count year month           2015 12           12 2016 1            31      2            29      3             1 
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EdChum Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
