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In linq to sql how do I include the child entity with initial query?



I would like to be able to include a child entity with the main entity in my linq to sql query.

Public Function GetEmployees() As IEnumerable(Of Employee)
    Dim dc As New MyDataContext()
    Return From e In dc.Employee
End Function

In my ASPX page, I want to display the Department of each employee without it having to go back and query the database each time it needs the department name from the department entity for each an every employee.

      <%# Eval("FirstName") %><br />
      <%# Eval("LastName") %><br />
      <%# Eval("Department.Name") %> <--- re-queries db every time on this line?

if I change it to include the department, I get an error:

Public Function GetEmployees() As IEnumerable(Of Employee)
    Dim dc As New MyDataContext()
    Return From e In dc.Employee Select e, e.department
End Function

Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.Linq.DataQuery`1[VB$AnonymousType_0`2[MyNameSpace.Employee,System.Data.Linq.EntitySet`1[MyNameSpace.Employee.Department]]]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[MyNameSpace.Employee]'.
like image 740
RichC Avatar asked Apr 25 '11 20:04


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How LINQ queries converted into SQL queries?

LINQ to SQL translates the queries you write into equivalent SQL queries and sends them to the server for processing. More specifically, your application uses the LINQ to SQL API to request query execution. The LINQ to SQL provider then transforms the query into SQL text and delegates execution to the ADO provider.

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LINQ to Entities queries are comprised of LINQ standard query operators (such as Select, Where, and GroupBy) and expressions (x > 10, Contact. LastName, and so on). LINQ operators are not defined by a class, but rather are methods on a class.

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Entity Framework Classic Include The Include method lets you add related entities to the query result. In EF Classic, the Include method no longer returns an IQueryable but instead an IncludeDbQuery that allows you to chain multiple related objects to the query result by using the AlsoInclude and ThenInclude methods.

1 Answers

For LINQ to SQL you can change the DataloadOptions (code example in C#):

var dlo = new DataLoadOptions();
dlo.LoadWith<Employee>(p => p.department);
dc.LoadOptions = dlo;

( Include() is only supported for Linq to Entities)

like image 107
BrokenGlass Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 21:01
