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In JSF what is the shortest way to output List<SomeObj> as comma separated list of "name" properties of SomeObj




I have a question about outputing a list of objects as a comma separated list in JSF.

Let's say:

public class SomeObj {
  private String name;
  ... constructors, getters and setters ...

and List<SomeObj>:

List<SomeObj> lst = new ArrayList<SomeObj>();
lst.add(new SomeObj("NameA"));
lst.add(new SomeObj("NameB"));
lst.add(new SomeObj("NameC"));

to output it as a listbox I can use this code:

<h:selectManyListbox id="id1"
  <s:selectItems value="#{listHolder.lst}"
  <s:convertEntity />

But what is the easiest way to output the list as is, comma seperated ? Like this:

NameA, NameB, NameC

Should I use JSTL <c:forEach/> or may be the <s:selectItems/> tag can also be used ?

like image 321
m_vitaly Avatar asked Jul 12 '10 18:07


2 Answers

Given a List<Person> persons where Person has a name property,

  • If you're already on Java EE 7 with EL 3.0, then use EL stream API.

    #{bean.persons.stream().map(p -> p.name).reduce((p1, p2) -> p1 += ', ' += p2).get()}
  • If you're not on EL 3.0 yet, but have JSF 2.x at hands, then use Facelets <ui:repeat>.

    <ui:repeat value="#{bean.persons}" var="person" varStatus="loop">
        #{person.name}#{not loop.last ? ', ' : ''}
  • Or if you're still on jurassic JSP, use JSTL <c:forEach>.

    <c:forEach items="#{bean.persons}" var="person" varStatus="loop">
        ${person.name}${not loop.last ? ', ' : ''}

See also:

  • How iterate over List<T> and render each item in JSF Facelets
  • JSTL in JSF2 Facelets... makes sense?
like image 166
BalusC Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 08:10


use <ui:repeat> (from facelets). It's similar to c:forEach

Or pre-compute the comma-separated string in the managed bean, and obtain it via a getter.

like image 39
Bozho Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 08:10
