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In html5 to set a checkbox as checked, should I simply use checked (as a property) or checked="checked" ( as an attribute)?




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How do you make a checkbox checked in HTML?

HTML Checkbox Checked You can code a checkbox to be pre-selected when the page loads using the checked boolean attribute. You simply have to add the word checked within the opening tag of the input element.

Which property is used if we want to display checkbox as checked?

The checked attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, it specifies that an <input> element should be pre-selected (checked) when the page loads. The checked attribute can be used with <input type="checkbox"> and <input type="radio"> .

Do something when checkbox is checked HTML?

Checking if a checkbox is checked First, select the checkbox using a DOM method such as getElementById() or querySelector() . Then, access the checked property of the checkbox element. If its checked property is true , then the checkbox is checked; otherwise, it is not.

Which of the following is the correct way to create a checkbox?

Checkboxes are created with the HTML <input> tag. It can be nested inside a <form> element or they can stand alone.

It is an attribute in either case. And it sets a value (the same value, true) on a DOM property of the element node in either case.

For most purposes, it does not matter which syntax you use. However, there are some points to note:

  • If you use HTML5 in XML serialization (“XHTML5”), you must use checked="checked".
  • In styling, the syntaxes are not quite equivalent when using attribute selectors (the shorter form does not match [checked=checked]), but this does not matter in practice: [checked] matches checked checkboxes in either case.
  • The clumsy syntax checked="checked" is a holdover from SGML and included for compatibility only, so it may make your code look old-fashioned (which rarely matters).

<!-- Default to unchecked -->
<input type="checkbox">

<!-- Default to checked, XHTML -->
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" />

<!-- Default to checked, HTML5 -->
<input type="checkbox" checked>

Source: http://css-tricks.com/indeterminate-checkboxes/

Checked is a boolean attribute in HTML 5. A true value is indicated by the attribute being present, and a false value is indicated by its absence. If it is present, its value should either be empty or set to the property name checked="checked". Either of these forms are correct:

<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" />
<input type="checkbox" checked>


You care about XHTML-compatibility in HTML5, if you are creating documents that use the XHTML serialization of HTML5, either exclusively by serving the document with an application/xhtml+xml mime type, or creating a polyglot document that can be served either as application/xhtml+xml or as text/html (the 'normal' html mime-type).

If you are only using text/html, then you do not need to care about XHTML syntax. However, you may use XML-style self-closing syntax when embedding SVG or MathML in your page. (SVG is widely supported in the latest browsers, MathML less so.) You may also use /> to end void HTML elements such as meta, link, input, img etc, but this has no effect different from using > to end those elements.

A minor comment on terminology. In markup, in common parlance either checked or checked="checked" is an "attribute". A "property" is something else.