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In Gradle, how do I declare common dependencies in a single place?

In Maven there is a very useful feature where you can define a dependency in the <dependencyManagement> section of the parent POM, and reference that dependency from child modules without specifying the version or scope or whatever.

What are the alternatives in Gradle?

like image 670
Stanislav Bashkyrtsev Avatar asked Mar 03 '12 15:03

Stanislav Bashkyrtsev

People also ask

How do I declare Gradle dependencies?

You can declare a dependency on the TestKit API of the current version of Gradle by using the DependencyHandler. gradleTestKit() method. This is useful for writing and executing functional tests for Gradle plugins and build scripts.

What is a transitive dependency Gradle?

Transitive dependencyA variant of a component can have dependencies on other modules to work properly, so-called transitive dependencies. Releases of a module hosted on a repository can provide metadata to declare those transitive dependencies. By default, Gradle resolves transitive dependencies automatically.

Does Gradle dependencies order matter?

This isn't necessary. The order inside the dependencies { } block is preserved. You are kind of right. Dependency ordering is preserved, but for example all compile dependencies will be before testCompile dependencies no matter of how you order them.

What is Dependencymanagement in Gradle?

In most cases, a project relies on reusable functionality in the form of libraries or is broken up into individual components to compose a modularized system. Dependency management is a technique for declaring, resolving and using dependencies required by the project in an automated fashion.

2 Answers

You can declare common dependencies in a parent script:

ext.libraries = [ // Groovy map literal
    spring_core: "org.springframework:spring-core:3.1",
    junit: "junit:junit:4.10"

From a child script, you can then use the dependency declarations like so:

dependencies {
    compile libraries.spring_core
    testCompile libraries.junit

To share dependency declarations with advanced configuration options, you can use DependencyHandler.create:

libraries = [
    spring_core: dependencies.create("org.springframework:spring-core:3.1") {
        exclude module: "commons-logging"
        force = true

Multiple dependencies can be shared under the same name:

libraries = [
    spring: [ // Groovy list literal

dependencies { compile libraries.spring } will then add both dependencies at once.

The one piece of information that you cannot share in this fashion is what configuration (scope in Maven terms) a dependency should be assigned to. However, from my experience it is better to be explicit about this anyway.

like image 139
Peter Niederwieser Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Peter Niederwieser

As of Gradle 4.6, dependency constraints are suggested in the documentation as the way to achieve this. From https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/declaring_dependencies.html#declaring_a_dependency_without_version:

A recommended practice for larger projects is to declare dependencies without versions and use dependency constraints for version declaration. The advantage is that dependency constraints allow you to manage versions of all dependencies, including transitive ones, in one place.

In your parent build.gradle file:

allprojects {
  plugins.withType(JavaPlugin).whenPluginAdded {
    dependencies {
      constraints {

Wrapping the dependencies block with a check for the Java plugin (... whenPluginAdded {) isn't strictly necessary, but it will then handle adding a non-Java project to the same build.

Then in a child gradle project you can simply omit the verison:

apply plugin: "java"

dependencies {

Child builds can still choose to specify a higher version. If a lower version is specified it is automatically upgraded to the version in the constraint.

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Adrian Baker Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Adrian Baker