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In FLUTTER / DART, why do we sometimes add a question mark to "String" when declaring a variable?

In the demo app, we find an instance of "final String? title;" - > Why do we add this "?" after the type String ?

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  MyHomePage({Key? key, this.title}) : super(key: key);

  **final String? title;**

  _MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();

In the same way, why when using it, we add a "!" ?

return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        // Here we take the value from the MyHomePage object that was created by
        // the App.build method, and use it to set our appbar title.
        title: **Text(widget.title!),**
      body: Center(
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SylvainJack Avatar asked Mar 29 '21 19:03


People also ask

What is the use of question mark in flutter?

Nullable and non-nullable typesIf you want a variable of type String to accept any string or the value null , give the variable a nullable type by adding a question mark ( ? ) after the type name. For example, a variable of type String? can contain a string, or it can be null.

How do you declare a variable in darts?

How to Declare Variable in Dart. We need to declare a variable before using it in a program. In Dart, The var keyword is used to declare a variable. The Dart compiler automatically knows the type of data based on the assigned to the variable because Dart is an infer type language.

What are the double question marks in Dart?

double question mark operator means "if null".

How do you define a String in flutter?

Strings are mainly used to represent text. A character may be represented by multiple code points, each code point consisting of one or two code units. For example, the Papua New Guinea flag character requires four code units to represent two code points, but should be treated like a single character: "🇵🇬".

What is exclamation in Dart?

"!" is a new dart operator for conversion from a nullable to a non-nullable type. Read here and here about sound null safety. Use it only if you are absolutely sure that the value will never be null and do not confuse it with the conditional property access operator.

1 Answers

variable_type ? name_of_variable; means that name_of_variable can be null.

variable_type name_of_variable1; means that name_of_variable1 cannot be null and you should initialize it immediately.

late variable_type name_of_variable2; means that name_of_variable2 cannot be null and you can initialize it later.

late variable_type name_of_variable3;
variable_type ? name_of_variable4;
name_of_variable3=name_of_variable4!;// name_of_variable4! means that you are sure 100% it never will be null

Real example with int type:

int ? a=null; // OK
int  b=null; // b cannot be equal null
late int c =null; // c cannot be equal null
late int d;
d=5; //OK

late int d; // if you never initialize it, you ll got exception

int e=5;
int? f=4;
int ? z;
e=f!; // OK, You are sure that f never are null

e=z!;// You get exception because z is equal null
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Islomkhuja Akhrarov Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Islomkhuja Akhrarov