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In Elixir how do you initialize a struct with a map variable



I know its possible to create a struct via %User{ email: '[email protected]' }. But if I had a variable params = %{email: '[email protected]'} is there a way to create that struct using that variable for eg, %User{ params }.

This gives an error, just wondering if you can explode it or some other way?

like image 934
bullfrog Avatar asked Jun 18 '15 23:06


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1 Answers

You should use the struct/2 function. From the docs:

defmodule User do   defstruct name: "john" end  struct(User) #=> %User{name: "john"}  opts = [name: "meg"] user = struct(User, opts) #=> %User{name: "meg"}  struct(user, unknown: "value") #=> %User{name: "meg"} 
like image 145
José Valim Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09

José Valim