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In Django 1.9, what's the convention for using JSONField (native postgres jsonb)?

Django highly suggests not to use null=True for CharField and TextField string-based fields in order not to have two possible values for "no data" (assuming you're allowing empty strings with blank=True). This makes total sense to me and I do this in all my projects.

Django 1.9 introduces JSONField, which uses the underlying Postgres jsonb data type. Does the suggestion above carry over to JSONField (i.e. blank=True should be used instead of null=True)? Or, should null=True be used instead? Or, should default=dict be used instead? Or, ..? Why?

In other words, what is the convention for the new native JSONField, when you want to allow only one "no data" value? Please support your answer because I did a lot of research and couldn't find anything official. Thanks in advance.

like image 765
Cloud Artisans Avatar asked Mar 24 '16 20:03

Cloud Artisans

1 Answers

The convention implied from the Django code seems to be to store null JSON values as NULL as opposed to as an empty string (as is the convention for the CharField). I say this because of the following:

The empty_strings_allowed is inherited from Field in CharField, and is set to True:


class Field(RegisterLookupMixin):     """Base class for all field types"""      # Designates whether empty strings fundamentally are allowed at the     # database level.     empty_strings_allowed = True     ... 

JSONField, however, overrides it with False:


class JSONField(Field):     empty_strings_allowed = False     ... 

This causes CharField's to default to "" and JSONField's to None when you instantiate a model without explicitly passing the values for these fields.


def get_default(self):     """     Returns the default value for this field.     """     if self.has_default():         if callable(self.default):             return self.default()         return self.default     if (not self.empty_strings_allowed or (self.null and                not connection.features.interprets_empty_strings_as_nulls)):         return None     return "" 

Therefore, if you want to make a JSONField optional, you have to use:

json_field = JSONField(blank=True, null=True) 

If you use only blank=True, as you would for CharField, you'll get an IntegrityError when trying to run MyModel.objects.create(...) without passing a json_field argument explicitly.

like image 175
Ariel Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09
