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In Azure SQL, what is the difference between a standard eDTU and a premium eDTU given it costs significantly more?

Based on Microsoft's Azure SQL pricing chart a standard elastic pool of 100 eDTU's costs $223/month, whereas a premium elastic database pool of 125 eDTU's costs $697/month.

Given the almost 3 times price difference, what is the difference between the performance of a standard eDTU and a premium eDTU?

Or am I just paying a higher price for the ability to use more eDTU's for a single database, a larger max database size and longer point-in-time restore?

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axeman Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 07:03


1 Answers

In addition to the higher burst limit per database (1000 instead of 100 eDTU), premium elastic pool tier provides several additional features like

  • Active geo replication (ability to set up readonly secondaries)
  • Longer point-in-time restore capability
  • Premium tier eDTUs also provide significantly higher IO capability compared to standard and basic tiers.

Some distinctions are described in detail here

-- Srini Acharya

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Srini Acharya Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 21:03

Srini Acharya