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What is the CA certificate path for a SQL Azure database?

I have a .NET web application which connects to a database hosted in the cloud on Microsoft's SQL Azure platform. Now I'd like to use Domo, a third-party cloud-based business intelligence service, to do some reporting on the data in the Azure database. The Domo consultant has told me that he needs a CA certificate path for the database server (in addition to other standard connection info) in order to connect to it. He has suggested that I need to get a cert and apply it to the database server. However, according to what I have read in the documentation, SQL Azure always uses SSL; it is not possible to connect to it otherwise. Given that I am already connecting to it successfully in my application (using Entity Framework 6), there must be a cert already there (Microsoft's), and therefore a certificate path. How do I find out what the certificate path is? The database server name has the form xxxxxxxxxx.database.windows.net.

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Brian Rogers Avatar asked Mar 19 '23 09:03

Brian Rogers

1 Answers

And to take this one step further you can get the path and content of the cert by running the following command through OpenSSL.

openssl s_client -connect {yourdbname}.database.windows.net:443 -showcerts

Took me awhile to remember how to do that.

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walexnelson Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 23:04
