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In Angular rxjs when should I use `pipe` vs `map`




I'm a bit confused by the pipe operator vs just chaining map. Are both of the examples below functionally equivalent? What is the purpose or advantage of the pipe function?

const name = ajax   .getJSON<{ name: string }>("/api/employees/alice")   .pipe(     retry(3, 1000),     map(employee => employee.name),     catchError(error => of(null))   ); 
const name = ajax   .getJSON<{ name: string }>("/api/employees/alice")   .let(retry(3, 1000))   .map(employee => employee.name)   .catch(error => Rx.Observable.of(null)); 
like image 630
MonkeyBonkey Avatar asked Nov 29 '17 11:11


People also ask

Why do we use pipe map in Angular?

The pipe method of the Angular Observable is used to chain multiple operators together. We can use the pipe as a standalone method, which helps us to reuse it at multiple places or as an instance method.

Why do we use map and pipe?

Pipe is just using to tell "I will use one or more operator after this observable emits." Map updates the data which is a value of an observable.

What is the difference between pipe and map in Angular?

Note: pipe() is a function/method that is used to chain multiple RxJS operators while map() and filter() are operators that operate and transform the values of an Observable (sequence of values).

What is the use of map in RxJS?

RxJS map() operator is a transformation operator used to transform the items emitted by an Observable by applying a function to each item. It applies a given project function to each value emitted by the source Observable and then emits the resulting values as an Observable.

1 Answers

The "new" way, using pipe, is called Lettable Operators Pipeable Operators. The "old" way, where you chain operators, is called using "patch operators".

Starting in version 5.5 we have shipped "pipeable operators", which can be accessed in rxjs/operators (notice the pluralized "operators"). These are meant to be a better approach for pulling in just the operators you need than the "patch" operators found in rxjs/add/operator/*.

There were some problems with the patch operators. They can also ensure that your produced bundle from your code is smaller. There are other advantages as well, see the documentation which fairly well covers it.

To answer your other question though your 2 code samples are functionally equivalent. Also you should use Pipeable Operators over Patch Operators whenever possible.

From the documentation (for completeness)

Problems with the patched operators for dot-chaining are:

  1. Any library that imports a patch operator will augment the Observable.prototype for all consumers of that library, creating blind dependencies. If the library removes their usage, they unknowingly break everyone else. With pipeables, you have to import the operators you need into each file you use them in.
  2. Operators patched directly onto the prototype are not "tree-shakeable" by tools like rollup or webpack. Pipeable operators will be as they are just functions pulled in from modules directly.
  3. Unused operators that are being imported in apps cannot be detected reliably by any sort of build tooling or lint rule. That means that you might import scan, but stop using it, and it's still being added to your output bundle. With pipeable operators, if you're not using it, a lint rule can pick it up for you.
  4. Functional composition is awesome. Building your own custom operators becomes much, much easier, and now they work and look just like all other operators from rxjs. You don't need to extend Observable or override lift anymore.
like image 182
Igor Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09
