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In angular, how to use cancel an $interval on user events, like page change?



Angular documentation about $interval is saying :

Note: Intervals created by this service must be explicitly destroyed when you are finished with them.

but it's not explaining how to destroy the $interval.

If for example I have a directive containing this code :

$interval(function() {     for (var i in myArray) {         // do domething     } }, 5000); 

How can i destroy it when the user changes the page for example?

like image 960
François Romain Avatar asked Jan 26 '14 14:01

François Romain

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1 Answers

Whenever the user changes the page, the scope associated with the controller of the route (/page1 in the example below) will be sent a $destroy event. You can cancel that $interval in a listener to that event:

app.config(function ($routeProvider) {      $routeProvider.when('/page1', {           template: '<div>Page Content</div>',           controller: PageController       });      // ... });  function PageController($scope, $interval) {     var intervalPromise = $interval(function () { /* ... */ }, 5000);           $scope.$on('$destroy', function () { $interval.cancel(intervalPromise); }); } 
like image 101
musically_ut Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10
