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In an Oracle database, what is the difference between ROWNUM and ROW_NUMBER?

What is the difference between ROWNUM and ROW_NUMBER ?

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Bob Dizzle Avatar asked Oct 06 '08 14:10

Bob Dizzle

People also ask

What is the difference between Rownum and ROW_NUMBER?

From a little reading, ROWNUM is a value automatically assigned by Oracle to a rowset (prior to ORDER BY being evaluated, so don't ever ORDER BY ROWNUM or use a WHERE ROWNUM < 10 with an ORDER BY ). ROW_NUMBER() appears to be a function for assigning row numbers to a result set returned by a subquery or partition.

What is the difference between ROW_NUMBER () Rownum and Rowid?

ROWNUM is representative of the sequence allocated to any data retrieval bunch. ROWID is the permanent identity or address of a row. ROWNUM is a temporarily assigned sequence to a row. ROWID is a 16-digit Hexadecimal number in the format BBBBBBBB.

What is a Rownum in Oracle?

The Oracle/PLSQL ROWNUM function returns a number that represents the order that a row is selected by Oracle from a table or joined tables. The first row has a ROWNUM of 1, the second has a ROWNUM of 2, and so on.

What is Rownum and Rowid in Oracle?

Rowid gives the address of rows or records. Rownum gives a count of records. Rowid is permanently stored in the database. Rownum is not stored in the database permanently. Rowid is automatically assigned with every inserted into a table.

1 Answers

ROWNUM is a "pseudocolumn" that assigns a number to each row returned by a query:

SQL> select rownum, ename, deptno   2  from emp;      ROWNUM ENAME          DEPTNO ---------- ---------- ----------          1 SMITH              99          2 ALLEN              30          3 WARD               30          4 JONES              20          5 MARTIN             30          6 BLAKE              30          7 CLARK              10          8 SCOTT              20          9 KING               10         10 TURNER             30         11 FORD               20         12 MILLER             10 

ROW_NUMBER is an analytic function that assigns a number to each row according to its ordering within a group of rows:

SQL> select ename, deptno, row_number() over (partition by deptno order by ename) rn   2  from emp;  ENAME          DEPTNO         RN ---------- ---------- ---------- CLARK              10          1 KING               10          2 MILLER             10          3 FORD               20          1 JONES              20          2 SCOTT              20          3 ALLEN              30          1 BLAKE              30          2 MARTIN             30          3 TURNER             30          4 WARD               30          5 SMITH              99          1 
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Tony Andrews Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09

Tony Andrews