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Running SQL user defined function that returns boolean, in where clause

I'm getting this error on a SQL user defined function:

An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near ')'.

For this:

UPDATE LMI_Contact SET Phone = NULL WHERE dbo.LMI_IsSingleCharacterRepeated(Phone, '0') 

where the function can be created using:

-- ***this will also find NULL and empty string values*** CREATE FUNCTION LMI_IsSingleCharacterRepeated (@string varchar(max), @char char(1)) RETURNS bit AS  BEGIN     DECLARE @index int     DECLARE @len int     DECLARE @currentChar char(1)     SET @index = 1     SET @len= LEN(@string)      WHILE @index <= @len     BEGIN         SET @currentChar = SUBSTRING(@string, @index, 1)         IF @currentChar = @char             SET @index= @index+ 1         ELSE             RETURN 0     END     RETURN 1 END; GO 

This function is for checking if a string is any specified single character, repeated.

like image 601
Chris Halcrow Avatar asked May 31 '13 05:05

Chris Halcrow

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You can not use Stored Procedure in where clause but can use User Defined Function in where clause.

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1 Answers

You must use comparison operators against functions even if the return type is bit.

UPDATE LMI_Contact SET Phone = NULL WHERE dbo.LMI_IsSingleCharacterRepeated(Phone, '0') = 1 
like image 178
Thomas Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09
