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In ActiveJob, how to catch any exception

The ActiveJob docs for exception handling provide this example for how to perform exception handling within the context of a job:

class GuestsCleanupJob < ActiveJob::Base
  queue_as :default

  rescue_from(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) do |exception|
   # Do something with the exception

  def perform
    # Do something later

I am using this technique in an application I am building and capturing certain particular exceptions. My question is, how to capture any and all exceptions?

I am capturing various kinds of exceptions and performing the same procedure each way, so I would like to DRY up my code and also, in my current implementation, certain exceptions are being ignored which means in some cases my job fails silently.

How do I capture any generic exception using ActiveJob?

like image 284
metahamza Avatar asked Aug 24 '15 23:08


1 Answers

Try this

class GuestsCleanupJob < ActiveJob::Base

  rescue_from(StandardError) do |exception|
   # Do something with the exception

like image 61
Alex Tonkonozhenko Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 12:10

Alex Tonkonozhenko