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Improving performance of updating contents of large data frame using contents of similar data frame

I'm looking for a general solution for updating one large data frame with the contents of a second similar data frame. I have dozens of datasets, each with thousands of rows and upwards of 10,000 columns. An "update" dataset will overlap its corresponding "base" dataset by anywhere from a few percent to perhaps 50 percent, rowwise. The datasets have a "key" column and there will be only one row per each unique key value in any given dataset.

The basic rule is: if a non-NA value exists in the update dataset for a given cell, replace the same cell in the base dataset with that value. (The "same cell" means same value of the "key" column and colname.)

Note the update dataset will likely contain new rows ("inserts") which I can handle with an rbind.

So given the base data frame "df1", where column "K" is the unique key column, and "P1" .. "P3" represent the 10,000 columns, whose names will vary from one pair of datasets to the next:

  K P1 P2 P3
1 A  1  1  1
2 B  1  1  1
3 C  1  1  1

...and the update data frame "df2":

  K P1 P2 P3
1 B  2 NA  2
2 C NA  2  2
3 D  2  2  2

The result I need is as follows, where the 1's for "B" and "C" were overwritten by the 2's but not overwritten by the NA's:

  K P1 P2 P3
1 A  1  1  1
2 B  2  1  2
3 C  1  2  2
4 D  2  2  2

This doesn't seem to be a merge candidate as merge gives me either duplicate rows (with respect to the "key" column) or duplicate columns (e.g. P1.x, P1.y), which I have to iterate over to collapse somehow.

I have tried pre-allocating a matrix with the dimensions of the final rows/columns, and populating it with the contents of df1, then iterating over the overlapping rows of df2, but I cannot get better than 20 cells per second performance, requiring hours to complete (compared to minutes for the equivalent DATA step UPDATE functionality in SAS).

I'm sure I'm missing something, but can't find a comparable example.

I see ddply usage that looks close, but not a general solution. The data.table package didn't seem to help as it's not obvious to me that this is a join problem, at least not generally over so many columns.

Also a solution that focuses only on the intersecting rows is adequate as I can identify the others and rbind them in.

Here is some code to fabricate the data frames above:

cat("K,P1,P2,P3", "A,1,1,1", "B,1,1,1", "C,1,1,1", file="f1.dat", sep="\n");
cat("K,P1,P2,P3", "B,2,,2", "C,,2,2", "D,2,2,2", file="f2.dat", sep="\n");
df1 <- read.table("f1.dat", sep=",", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE);
df2 <- read.table("f2.dat", sep=",", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE);


like image 840
gkaupas Avatar asked Apr 04 '12 16:04


People also ask

What is the difference between data frame and data table in R?

frame in R is similar to the data table which is used to create tabular data but data table provides a lot more features than the data frame so, generally, all prefer the data. table instead of the data.

What do you mean by data frame?

A DataFrame is a data structure that organizes data into a 2-dimensional table of rows and columns, much like a spreadsheet. DataFrames are one of the most common data structures used in modern data analytics because they are a flexible and intuitive way of storing and working with data.

Are tables faster than DataFrames?

For the size of DF data. table is slower, for the size of DF2 it is faster.

What does as data frame do in R?

as. data. frame() function in R Programming Language is used to convert an object to data frame. These objects can be Vectors, Lists, Matrices, and Factors.

2 Answers

This loops by column, setting dt1 by reference and (hopefully) should be quick.

dt1 = as.data.table(df1)
dt2 = as.data.table(df2)
if (!identical(names(dt1),names(dt2)))
    stop("Assumed for now. Can relax later if needed.")
w = chmatch(dt2$K, dt1$K)
for (i in 2:ncol(dt2)) {
    nna = !is.na(dt2[[i]])
dt1 = rbind(dt1,dt2[is.na(w)])
     K P1 P2 P3
[1,] A  1  1  1
[2,] B  2  1  2
[3,] C  1  2  2
[4,] D  2  2  2
like image 104
Matt Dowle Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Matt Dowle

This is likely not the fastest solution but is done entirely in base.

(updated answer per Tommy's comments)

df1 <- read.table(text="  K P1 P2 P3
1 A  1  1  1
2 B  1  1  1
3 C  1  1  1", header=TRUE)

df2 <- read.table(text="  K P1 P2 P3
1 B  2 NA  2
2 C NA  2  2
3 D  2  2  2", header=TRUE)

all <- c(levels(df1$K), levels(df2$K))                  #all cells of key column
dups <- all[duplicated(all)]                            #the overlapping key cells
ndups <- all[!all %in% dups]                            #unique key cells
df3 <- rbind(df1[df1$K%in%ndups, ], df2[df2$K%in%ndups, ]) #bind the unique rows

decider <- function(x, y) ifelse(is.na(x), y, x) #function replaces NAs if existing
df4 <- data.frame(mapply(df2[df2$K%in%dups, ], df1[df1$K%in%dups, ], 
    FUN = decider)) #repalce all NAs of df2 with df1 values if they exist

df5 <- rbind(df3, df4) #bind unique rows of df1 and df2 with NA replaced df4
df5 <- df5[order(df5$K), ]  #reorder based on key column
rownames(df5) <- 1:nrow(df5)  #give proper non duplicated rownames

This yields:

  K P1 P2 P3
1 A  1  1  1
2 B  2  1  2
3 C  1  2  2
4 D  2  2  2

Upon closer reading not all columns have the same name but I am assuming the same order. this may be a more helpful approach:

all <- c(levels(df1$K), levels(df2$K))
dups <- all[duplicated(all)]
ndups <- all[!all %in% dups]
LS <- list(df1, df2)
LS2 <- lapply(seq_along(LS), function(i) {
        colnames(LS[[i]]) <- colnames(LS[[2]])

LS3 <- lapply(seq_along(LS2), function(i) LS2[[i]][LS2[[i]]$K%in%ndups, ])
LS4 <- lapply(seq_along(LS2), function(i) LS2[[i]][LS2[[i]]$K%in%dups, ])

decider <- function(x, y) ifelse(is.na(x), y, x)
DF <- data.frame(mapply(LS4[[2]], LS4[[1]], FUN = decider))
DF$K <- LS4[[1]]$K
LS3[[3]] <- DF
df5 <- do.call("rbind", LS3)
df5 <- df5[order(df5$K), ]
rownames(df5) <- 1:nrow(df5)
like image 25
Tyler Rinker Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Tyler Rinker