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Importing only every Nth row from a .csv file in R






just a quick question. Is there a way to use read.csv to import every Nth row from a large file:

Example, a 50-60 million line file where you only need every 4th row starting at row 2.

I thought about maybe incorporating the 'seq' function, but I am not sure if that is possible.

Any suggestions?

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tomathon Avatar asked Feb 19 '14 20:02


1 Answers

For a large data file the best option is to filter out unnecessary row before they get imported into R. The simplest way to do this is by the means of the OS commands, like sed, awk, grep etc. The following code reads every 4th line from the file: for example:

write.csv(1:1000, file='test.csv')

file.pipe <- pipe("awk 'BEGIN{i=0}{i++;if (i%4==0) print $1}' < test.csv ")
res <- read.csv(file.pipe)

> res
     X3 X3.1
1     7    7
2    11   11
3    15   15
4    19   19
5    23   23
6    27   27
7    31   31
8    35   35
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df239 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 13:09
