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R: extract directory out of a path [duplicate]



Possible Duplicate:
How do I extract a file/folder_name only from a path?

May I ask you how I can get the last subdirectory of a path. For example I want to get the subdirectory "7" and the following code fails:

Path <- "123\\456\\7"
Split <- strsplit(Path, "\\") # Fails because of 'Trailing backslash'
LastElement <- c[[1]][length(Split[[1]])]

Thank you in advance

like image 471
Apostolos Polymeros Avatar asked Jul 24 '12 21:07

Apostolos Polymeros

1 Answers

You could also use the built-in function basename:

[1] "7"
like image 70
James Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 01:10
