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Importing Modules in D




I am trying to use basic module importing in D (language release 2). As a guide I used example on dlang.org but my simple program will not compile. The files are in the same directory.

Here is my main.d file's contents:

import std.stdio;
import mymodule;

void main(string[] args){
  writeln("Executing Main");

And here is my module file's contents (mymodule.d):

void sayHello(){


To compile I execute via bash:

dmd main.d

And the error output is:

main.o: In function `_Dmain':
main.d:(.text._Dmain+0x5): undefined reference to `_D8mymodule8sayHelloFZv'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1
like image 952
RedMage Avatar asked Jun 20 '12 16:06


People also ask

How do I import a module into a file?

A file is considered as a module in python. To use the module, you have to import it using the import keyword. The function or variables present inside the file can be used in another file by importing the module.

How do I import a module into a folder?

The most Pythonic way to import a module from another folder is to place an empty file named __init__.py into that folder and use the relative path with the dot notation. For example, a module in the parent folder would be imported with from .. import module .

Can you import modules in C?

A C++ source file can import modules and also #include header files. In some cases, you can import a header file as a module rather than include it textually by using #include in the preprocessor.

How can I import modules if file is not in same directory?

We can use sys. path to add the path of the new different folder (the folder from where we want to import the modules) to the system path so that Python can also look for the module in that directory if it doesn't find the module in its current directory.

1 Answers

  1. You need to list all of the modules that you're compiling on the command line. If you don't list a module, then it won't be compiled. The modules that are compiled will be able to use the uncompiled modules, since the compiler pulls in their declarations, but the compiler generates no object files for them. So, when the linker goes to link, it will complain that that there are definitions missing. In this case, it complains about the fact that mymodule.sayHello hasn't been defined.

    If you want the compiler to automatically search for all of the modules that the first module imports and compile them all for you, then you're going to need to use rdmd, which is a wrapper for dmd, which comes with dmd. dmd itself doesn't do that. It only compiles the modules that you tell it to.

  2. You haven't imported std.stdio in mymodule. So, even if you do dmd main.d mymodule.d like you should be (or even better, dmd -w main.d mymodule.d or dmd -wi main.d mymodule.d), it'll fail to compile mymodule, because writeln hasn't been declared. The fact that main.d imported it has no effect on mymodule.

  3. While it's not a big deal in this case, you really should put a module modulename; declaration at the top of your modules. The compiler will infer the module name from the filename, but once you have subpackages, you need to do it, or you'll have importing problems, because only the filename is inferred, not the package names. So, if you have foo/bar/mod.d, and you don't have a module declaration in mod.d, it'll be inferred as mod, not foo.bar.mod.

like image 112
Jonathan M Davis Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 01:11

Jonathan M Davis