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Import XCTest into a dynamic framework

I have a project where I have created a dynamic framework. Inside the framework itself, not the framework's tests, I have the following file:

import Foundation
import XCTest

public func assertThrowsException(function: () throws -> Void) {

public func assertDoesNotThrowsException(function: () throws -> Void) {

private func doesItThrowException(function: () throws -> Void) -> Bool {
    do {
        let _ = try function()
    } catch {
        return true
    return false

They are utility methods to assert that a clojure is raising an exception. It's to make up for the missing Swift's XCTAssertThrows().

Of course I have to import the XCTest framework to be able to use XCTAssert* methods. But I am not able to achieve it. I keep receiving an error that a framework with that name is not available.

Do you have any idea how to successfully import XCTest?

Thank you very much

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Cla Avatar asked Oct 27 '15 14:10


1 Answers

I've run into similar issue and used build settings from Nimble project. To fix issue:

1: Add to Other Linker Flags:

-weak_framework XCTest -weak-lswiftXCTest

2: Add to Framework Search Paths:

$(DEVELOPER_FRAMEWORKS_DIR) $(PLATFORM_DIR)/Developer/Library/Frameworks

Now dynamic framework can import XCTest.

Sidenote: I also wanted to write something similar. I've ended up creating mini-framework for unit testing error handling in Swift, maybe someone will find it useful. Works both with CocoaPods and Carthage.

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Witold Skibniewski Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 12:11

Witold Skibniewski