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Set NSIndexPath programmatically

My question is: How to set NSIndexPath programmatically.

For example I add method:

- (void)setDefaultValue{
 tempIndexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:1];

In tableView delegate -cellForRowAtIndexPath I want to compare two indexPath

if([indexPath isEqual:tempIndexPath]) ...

But in this case my tempIndexPath = null (i think - because this is autorelease object)

How to set NSIndexPath in this case?

Thanks, All!

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Matrosov Oleksandr Avatar asked Mar 22 '12 13:03

Matrosov Oleksandr

2 Answers

Add retain

- (void)setDefaultValue{
   tempIndexPath = [[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:1] retain];

But you have to be aware of release temIndexPath in the future.

EDIT:I deleted bad option.

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LuisEspinoza Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10


Simply call retain after you instantiated it:

[tempIndexPath retain];

This will make you the owner of the object, so remember to release it when you have done.

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Manlio Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10
