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Import all components Angular2



I have a lot of components and the import section looks bloated:

import {comp1} from './components/comp1/comp1';
import {comp2} from './components/comp2/comp2';

Is there a way to write generic import? Something like

import * from './components/';
like image 741
Kertis van Kertis Avatar asked Nov 22 '16 16:11

Kertis van Kertis

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1. Using selector as HTML tag. This is widely used way to include child component in other components and you might be already aware of this way. In this selector of child component is used in the parent component i.e. app component in this case, as normal HTML tag.

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2 Answers

You can use import with * and use as keyword to create a variable to be used in your component. for example:

import * as jwt from 'angular2-jwt/angular2-jwt';

then in your component refer to it as following:

// ...
like image 147
Rafik Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09


this is what index.ts file for.

I usually write a index.ts folder in that folder, and put everything you want into index file.

for example:


export * from './child component 1/index';
export * from './child component 2/index';
export * from './child component 3/index';
export * from './child component 4/index';
export * from './child component 5/index';


import * from 'path/component/index'

like image 34
Bo Chen Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09

Bo Chen