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Implicitly qualified autowiring in Spring




I have a project with some independent bean X, that is autowired in a bunch of services. Services are used by each other, and finally used in single entry point (controller). Now there is new requirement: implement several versions of X, and decide witch one is to use according to entry point's parameter (enum XType). It would be nice to do it without changing services.

My idea of solution is to create custom scope UsesX and implement BeanFactoryPostProcessor, that will converts each BeanDefinition with UsesX to set of singletons for each XType. Also, it will adds qualifiers to this beans, to make it possible to make factory method for X and parameter-based selection in controller. But how to add this qualifier to @Autowired in services implicitly, without changing their classes?


Ok, example, I want to use db url "jdbc:mysql://Adb" when A requested, and "jdbc:mysql://Bdb" when B:

enum DatabaseType {A, B}

class MyController {
@Autowired ServiceProvider provider; // some way to get service by DatabaseType
    void foo(@RequestParam DatabaseType dbType) {
       ServiceA a = provider.getA(dbType);
       ServiceB b = provider.getB(dbType);

class ServiceA {
    // Don't want to get information about different databases in services
    @Autowired ServiceB b;
    @Autowired ServiceC c;
    @Autowired DaoFoo dao;

class ServiceB {
    @Autowired ServiceC c;
    @Autowired DaoFoo daoFoo;
    @Autowired DaoBar daoBar;

class ServiceC {
    @Autowired DaoBar daoBar;

class DaoFoo {
    DaoFoo(String dbURL) {/*...*/}

class DaoBar {
    DaoFoo(String dbURL) {/*...*/}

Also, it is required to "jdbc:mysql://Adb" and "jdbc:mysql://Bdb" be configured in XML configuration.

like image 432
Adamovskiy Avatar asked Aug 22 '16 08:08


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1 Answers

I want to wrap up your requirements so that it would be clear if I'm getting you right.

  1. You have a set of @Services that you don't want to modify.
  2. At this moment you have only one implementation of X type which is used by this services.
  3. The choice of X implementation to be used in services would be defined by XType enum, which in turn would be available from request.
  4. You want X type beans be configurable from xml.

OP: What X implementation should be used in case if one of this services would be called w/o XType?

So if my understanding is correct, it seems like you need Proxy for X type. Within this Proxy you need to get this XType implicitly (f.ex. through ThreadLocal var). As @Autowired is used, beans are identified by type in first place. Therefore, you need to use already existing X implementation for proxing and extract your current implementation and new one to different type.

As a result you might end up with following:

interface newX {
    void save();

class DaoFoo implements newX {
    public void save() {...};

class DaoBar implements newX {
    public void save() {...};

class XImpl implements X, newX {
    public final ThreadLocal<XType> currentXType = new ThreadLo...;
    Map<XType, newX> mapping = ....
    public void save() {mapping.get(currentXType.get()).save();};
like image 165
hahn Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 09:10
