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Android ObjectAnimator vs ViewPropertyAnimator

What's the difference between ObjectAnimator and ViewPropertyAnimator changing property value?

ObjectAnimator objectAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myObject, "X", 0.0f, 100.0f);

I tried myObject.getX() while above objectAnimator is ongoing, and I got a on-the-way value between 0.0f to 100.0.


However, I got precise 100.0 when I myObject.getX()'d while above ViewPropertyAnimator is ongoing.

I can't figure out what makes this difference.

Thanks in advance.

like image 480
Hwang Avatar asked Jul 05 '16 13:07


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1 Answers

When you request to animate the x field using a ViewPropertyAnimator, it doesn't actually animate the x field - it animates the translateX field. This is why you can't see the x field change.

From the Android source code in ViewPropertyAnimator.java:

case X:
    renderNode.setTranslationX(value - mView.mLeft);

ObjectAnimator on the other hand uses reflection to animate properties - rather than a preset list of supported actions. And so when you tell it to animate the "X" field, it calls "setX" directly.

like image 156
Gil Moshayof Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Gil Moshayof