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Implementing Model-View-Controller the right way


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What is the correct way to describe model view controller architecture?

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern that separates an application into three main logical components: the model, the view, and the controller. Each of these components are built to handle specific development aspects of an application.

What are the three 3 parts of model view controller pattern?

-MVC is an architectural pattern consisting of three parts: Model, View, Controller. Model: Handles data logic. View: It displays the information from the model to the user. Controller: It controls the data flow into a model object and updates the view whenever data changes.

How is Java MVC implemented?

MVC architectural pattern follows an elementary idea – we must separate the responsibilities in any application on the following basis: Model: Handles data and business logic. View: Presents the data to the user whenever asked for. Controller: Entertains user requests and fetch necessary resources.

Working on a game in Objective-C/Cocoa for OS X, and I finished the prototype as much as it's worth being finished. It's a mess of code, being my first game, but everything works. I've been reading up on the best way to put things together, and MVC seems to make the most sense, but I'm a bit confused.

Where does it start? With the controller? That seems to make the most sense to me, but how is it started? In my mess of a prototype, I have everything starting from the init of the view and going from there. Would I just do the same for the controller, and put what's needed in the init? Or is there something else I can use to do this? If it's started from the init, how do I init the controller?

How would I set up the game world? I currently use two arrays, one for the world (Walls, Floors, Doors, Water, Lava, etc.), and one for the items (I'll be adding a third for characters). The map (a .plist) is loaded, and then the objects are created and added to the array it belongs to. Where do the arrays go? In the prototype, they're also part of the view, so I guess you could say I combined the two (View and Controller) together. Would there be a Map object created for each map? Would there be a Maps object that contains all of the maps?

How does it all work together? The player presses a key, which moves the character in the game. The view would be handling the input, right? Would you send that to the controller, which would check for everything (walls, monsters, etc) in the map/other arrays, and then return the result? Or would you send it to the player, which would go to the controller, which would do all of the the checks, and then return the result?

I thought I had it pretty nicely laid out in my head, but the more I think about it, the less solid my ideas become and the more confused I get. By all means do not hesitate to draw something up if you think it will get the point across more efficiently.

If you've taken the time to read all of this, thank you for your patience. From what I've gathered, most people that write code don't use any sort of design. After reading up on this, I can see why some people would avoid it, it's confusing and people seem to think it isn't worth the time. I personally think that the advantages totally outnumber the disadvantages (are there any?) and it only makes sense to keep things organized in a way that you won't have to do a total rewrite every time you want to implement a new feature. You wouldn't build a house, car, or an appliance without a design, why would you write a complex program without one?

I asked this question because I want to do it the right way, instead of hacking and half-assing my way to "victory".