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Literal initialization for const references


People also ask

How do you initialize const and reference member variables?

To initialize the const value using constructor, we have to use the initialize list. This initializer list is used to initialize the data member of a class. The list of members, that will be initialized, will be present after the constructor after colon. members will be separated using comma.

Why can't you make a non const reference to a literal?

A non-const reference cannot point to a literal. You cannot bind a literal to a reference to non-const (because modifying the value of a literal is not an operation that makes sense) and only l-values can be bound to references to non-const.

How do you initialize a reference variable?

There are three steps to initializing a reference variable from scratch: declaring the reference variable; using the new operator to build an object and create a reference to the object; and. storing the reference in the variable.

How do you reference a const?

You can declare the test function as: int test(gadget const &g); In this case, parameter g has type “reference to const gadget .” This lets you write the call as test(x) , as if it were passing by value, but it yields the exact same performance as if it were passing by address.

How does the following code work in C++? Is it logical?

const int &ref = 9; const int &another_ref = ref + 6; 

Why does C++ allow literal initialization for const references when the same is not permitted for non-const references? E.g.:

const int days_of_week = 7; int &dof = days_of_week; //error: non const reference to a const object 

This can be explained by the fact that, a non-const reference can be used to change the value of the variable it is referring to. Hence, C++ does not permit a non-const reference to a const variable.

Could this be a possible explanation? C++ does not allow:

int &ref = 7; 

Because that is not logical, but:

const int &ref = 7; 

Is almost equivalent to:

const int val = 7; 

So literal initialization is permitted for const variables.

P.S.: I'm currently studying Lippman's C++ Primer.