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Implementing Gates in Azure YAML Pipelines

I have seen and used Azure Release Pipelines.

We look to use YAML based pipelines as it is easy to version control in Git. Is there any way to split pipelines in Stages and each stage have approver and manual trigger of subsequent stage.

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forvaidya Avatar asked May 07 '20 10:05


People also ask

What is Gates in Azure DevOps?

Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 | Azure DevOps Server 2020 | Azure DevOps Server 2019 | TFS 2018. Gates allow automatic collection of health signals from external services and then promote the release when all the signals are successful or stop the deployment on timeout.

Does Azure pipelines support coding through YAML?

In this article, you'll learn how to set up and run your canvas app tests built in the Test Studio by using a YAML pipeline in Azure DevOps Services. You can use a public project on GitHub—Microsoft/PowerAppsTestAutomation—to: Automate the operations of signing in to your application.

When will custom gates be supported in YAML pipelines?

Gates will be supported in Yaml Pipelines in two phases. In Phase 1, we'll add pre-deployment gates as a sibling for approvals. You'll see these incrementally get added over the next 10-12 weeks.

How to use approvals and checks in pipeline in YAML?

In YAML it works in a different way. To use approvals and check you need to define environment first. Once you have an enviroment you can define approvals and checks. Approvals and other checks are not defined in the yaml file. Users modifying the pipeline yaml file cannot modify the checks performed before start of a stage.

Can we split pipelines in stages using YAML?

We look to use YAML based pipelines as it is easy to version control in Git. Is there any way to split pipelines in Stages and each stage have approver and manual trigger of subsequent stage. Show activity on this post. In YAML it works in a different way. To use approvals and check you need to define environment first.

Can we add checks in YAML through environment?

For YAML through environment we can add checks but to what extent can they be used in same way as gates we are not sure can we set revaluation, time outs etc in same way as gates. If yes, then how ? Show activity on this post. Pipelines as a code (YAML file) make it easier to manage your pipelines & track changes for sure.

1 Answers

In YAML it works in a different way. To use approvals and check you need to define environment first. Once you have an enviroment you can define approvals and checks.

enter image description here

Important thing is

Approvals and other checks are not defined in the yaml file. Users modifying the pipeline yaml file cannot modify the checks performed before start of a stage. Administrators of resources manage checks using the web interface of Azure Pipelines.

Then in deployment job you can selected enviroment:

- deployment: string   # name of the deployment job, A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and underscore
  displayName: string  # friendly name to display in the UI
  pool:                # see pool schema
    name: string
    demands: string | [ string ]
  dependsOn: string 
  condition: string 
  continueOnError: boolean                # 'true' if future jobs should run even if this job fails; defaults to 'false'
  container: containerReference # container to run this job inside
  services: { string: string | container } # container resources to run as a service container
  timeoutInMinutes: nonEmptyString        # how long to run the job before automatically cancelling
  cancelTimeoutInMinutes: nonEmptyString  # how much time to give 'run always even if cancelled tasks' before killing them
  variables: { string: string } | [ variable | variableReference ]  
  environment: string  # target environment name and optionally a resource-name to record the deployment history; format: <environment-name>.<resource-name>
  strategy: [ deployment strategy ] # see deployment strategy schema

You can also check this topic on github

No plans to add approvals in YAML. However, we do plan to support configuring approvals on various resources for example, service connections, variable groups, agent pools etc.

And there is no gates (at least yet). So you can't protect with approval specific stages, but you can protect some resources (like environmets) used in jobs.

like image 189
Krzysztof Madej Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10

Krzysztof Madej