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Implementing a higher order function that performs currying in scala

A coworker of mine sent me a question as follows:

Implement a HOF(higher order function) that performs currying, the signature of your function is as follows:

def curry[A,B,C](f:(A,B) => C) : A => B => C

Similarly, implement a function that performs uncurrying as follows:

def uncurry[A,B,C](f:A => B => C): (A,B) => C

The way I understand currying is that if you have a function that takes multiple parameters, you can repeatedly apply the function to each one of the paramaters until you get the result.

So something along the lines of f:(A,B) => C turns into A => f(A,_) => f(B)????

And uncurrying would be to consolidate this application into one function as follows:

f:A=>B=>C would be f(A,B)?

Maybe I am just being confused by the syntax here but it would be great if somebody could point out what I am missing here.


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sc_ray Avatar asked Dec 10 '12 01:12


1 Answers

Hopefully this fully worked example with a bunch of comments is easy to understand. Please reply if you have questions.

You can execute this code by dropping it in a Scala interpreter.

// Here's a trait encapsulating the definition your coworker sent.
trait Given {
  def curry[A,B,C](f:(A,B) => C) : A => B => C
  def uncurry[A,B,C](f:A => B => C): (A,B) => C

object Impl extends Given {
  // I'm going to implement uncurry first because it's the easier of the
  // two to understand.  The bit in curly braces after the equal sign is a
  // function literal which takes two arguments and applies the to (i.e.
  // uses it as the arguments for) a function which returns a function.
  // It then passes the second argument to the returned function.
  // Finally it returns the value of the second function.
  def uncurry[A,B,C](f:A => B => C): (A,B) => C = { (a: A, b: B) => f(a)(b) }

  // The bit in curly braces after the equal sign is a function literal
  // which takes one argument and returns a new function.  I.e., curry()
  // returns a function which when called returns another function
  def curry[A,B,C](f:(A,B) => C) : A => B => C = { (a: A) => { (b: B) => f(a,b) } }

def add(a: Int, b: Long): Double = a.toDouble + b
val spicyAdd = Impl.curry(add)
println(spicyAdd(1)(2L)) // prints "3.0"
val increment = spicyAdd(1) // increment holds a function which takes a long and adds 1 to it.
println(increment(1L)) // prints "2.0"
val unspicedAdd = Impl.uncurry(spicyAdd)
println(unspicedAdd(4, 5L)) // prints "9.0"

How about a less numerical example?

def log(level: String, message: String) { 
  println("%s: %s".format(level, message)) 
val spicyLog = Impl.curry(log) // spicyLog's type is String => Unit
val logDebug = spicyLog("debug") // This new function will always prefix the log
                                 // message with "debug".
val logWarn = spicyLog("warn") // This new function will always prefix the log 
                               // message with "warn".
logDebug("Hi, sc_ray!") // prints "debug: Hi, sc_ray!"
logWarn("Something is wrong.") // prints "warn: Something is wrong."

Update You replied asking "How does the compiler evaluate expressions such as a => b => f(a,b)." Well it doesn't. At least the way things are defined in your coworker's snippet, that wouldn't compile. In general, though, if you see something of the form A => B => C that means "a function which takes an A as an argument; it returns a function which takes a B as an argument and returns a C."

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Leif Wickland Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11

Leif Wickland