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Implement main server loop in Haskell?



What is the generally accepted way to implement the main loop of a server that needs to wait on a heterogeneous set of events? That is the server should wait (not busywait) until one of the following occurs:

  • new socket connection
  • data available on an existing socket
  • OS signal
  • third-party library callbacks
like image 843
brooks94 Avatar asked Sep 13 '12 19:09


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1 Answers

I think you're thinking in terms of a C paradigm with a single thread, nonblocking I/O, and a select() call.

You can manage to write something like that in Haskell, but Haskell has much more to offer:

  • lightweight threads
  • safe and efficient concurrent data primitives like Mvar and Chan
  • the Big Gun: Software Transactional Memory

I recommend you fork a new thread for every separate point of contact with the outside world, and keep everything coordinated with STM.

like image 115
NovaDenizen Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09
