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Immutable (uncontainerized) elements in arrays created by deepmap



If I understand the Raku docs correctly, the elements of Arrays are always containerized, i.e. Scalars. However, the deepmap method seems to create (inner) Arrays with uncontainerized elements:

my @a = [1, [2, 3]];
my @b = @a.deepmap: *.clone;
say @b[0].VAR.^name;     # Scalar, this is OK
say @b[1].^name;         # Array, as expected
say @b[1][0].VAR.^name;  # Int, why?
@b[0] = 4;               # this works
@b[1][0] = 5;            # error: Cannot assign to an immutable value

Why does this happen?

For context, I originally wanted to use .deepmap: *.clone to create a deep copy, but I needed the copy to be mutable. I solved the problem by using @a.deepmap: { my $ = .clone }, but I am still curious why this happens.

like image 547
Nikola Benes Avatar asked Dec 19 '21 19:12

Nikola Benes

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1 Answers

If I understand the Raku docs correctly, the elements of Arrays are always containerized, i.e. Scalars.

That's almost correct, but not quite – Array initialization (i.e., with [1, 2]) containerizes the values, but that doesn't mean that elements are always containerized. For example, you can explicitly bind a value to a position in an array.

Or, as you've discovered, you can wind up with a non-containerized value when creating an Array in an unusual way. Let's take a look at what deepmap is doing here:

my @a = [1, [2, 3]];

@a.deepmap({.say; $_});  # OUTPUT: «1␤2␤3␤»
say @a.raku;             # OUTPUT: «[1 [2 3]]»

What's going on? Well, deepmap is recursively descending into the structure and calling the function on each leaf element (that's why it prints 2 instead of [2 3] on the second iteration). And then it binds the result to the slot it was iterating over.

So, with .clone, deepmap goes down to the leaf (e.g., 2) and calls .clone on that value, gets 2 (an Int) and binds that to the position in the Array.

It appears that what you wanted to happen was for .clone to be called on [2 3], rather than 2. If so, you could do that for lists with one level of nesting with (like above) with .map(*.clone); for more complex nesting, you can use duckmap or tests inside a map expression (or, as you discovered, call .clone on the leaf values and add a Scalar manually.)

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codesections Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 08:10
