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Immutable Dictionary Vs Dictionary Vs C5


Our application uses plenty of dictionaries which have multi level lookup that are not frequently changing. We are investigating at converting some of the critical code that does a lot of lookup using dictionaries to use alternate structures for - faster lookup, light on the memory/gc. This made us compare various dictionaries/libraries available -

Dictionary(System.Collections.Generics.Dictionary-SCGD), ImmutableDictionary, C5.HashDictionary, FSharpMap.

Running the following program with various items count - 100, 1000, 10000, 100000 - shows that Dictionary is still the winner at most ranges. First row indicates items in collection. MS/Ticks would the time taken to perform x lookups randomized (code is below).

Items - 100
SCGD - 0 MS - 50 Ticks
C5 - 1 MS - 1767 Ticks
Imm - 4 MS - 5951 Ticks
FS - 0 MS - 240 Ticks

Items - 1000
SCGD - 0 MS - 230 Ticks
C5 - 0 MS - 496 Ticks
Imm - 0 MS - 1046 Ticks
FS - 1 MS - 1870 Ticks

Items - 10000
SCGD - 3 MS - 4722 Ticks
C5 - 4 MS - 6370 Ticks
Imm - 9 MS - 13119 Ticks
FS - 15 MS - 22050 Ticks

Items - 100000
SCGD - 62 MS - 89276 Ticks
C5 - 72 MS - 103658 Ticks
Imm - 172 MS - 246247 Ticks
FS - 249 MS - 356176 Ticks

Does this mean, we are already using the fastest and don't have to change? I had presumed that immutable structures should be at the top of table, but it wasn't that way. Are we doing wrong comparison or am I missing something? Was holding on to this question, but felt, its better to ask. Any link or notes or any references that throws some light will be great.

Complete code for test -

namespace CollectionsTest {     using System;     using System.Collections.Generic;     using System.Collections.Immutable;     using System.Diagnostics;     using System.Linq;     using System.Text;     using System.Runtime;     using Microsoft.FSharp.Collections;      /// <summary>     ///      /// </summary>     class Program     {         static Program()         {             ProfileOptimization.SetProfileRoot(@".\Jit");             ProfileOptimization.StartProfile("Startup.Profile");         }          /// <summary>         /// Mains the specified args.         /// </summary>         /// <param name="args">The args.</param>         static void Main(string[] args)         {             // INIT TEST DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------              foreach (int MAXITEMS in new int[] { 100, 1000, 10000, 100000 })             {                 Console.WriteLine("\n# - {0}", MAXITEMS);                  List<string> accessIndex = new List<string>(MAXITEMS);                 List<KeyValuePair<string, object>> listofkvps = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>();                 List<Tuple<string, object>> listoftuples = new List<Tuple<string, object>>();                 for (int i = 0; i < MAXITEMS; i++)                 {                     listoftuples.Add(new Tuple<string, object>(i.ToString(), i));                     listofkvps.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>(i.ToString(), i));                     accessIndex.Add(i.ToString());                 }                  // Randomize for lookups                 Random r = new Random(Environment.TickCount);                 List<string> randomIndexesList = new List<string>(MAXITEMS);                 while (accessIndex.Count > 0)                 {                     int index = r.Next(accessIndex.Count);                     string value = accessIndex[index];                     accessIndex.RemoveAt(index);                      randomIndexesList.Add(value);                 }                  // Convert to array for best perf                 string[] randomIndexes = randomIndexesList.ToArray();                  // LOAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                  // IMMU                 ImmutableDictionary<string, object> idictionary = ImmutableDictionary.Create<string, object>(listofkvps);                 //Console.WriteLine(idictionary.Count);                  // SCGD                 Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>();                 for (int i = 0; i < MAXITEMS; i++)                 {                     dictionary.Add(i.ToString(), i);                 }                 //Console.WriteLine(dictionary.Count);                  // C5                 C5.HashDictionary<string, object> c5dictionary = new C5.HashDictionary<string, object>();                 for (int i = 0; i < MAXITEMS; i++)                 {                     c5dictionary.Add(i.ToString(), i);                 }                 //Console.WriteLine(c5dictionary.Count);                 // how to change to readonly?                  // F#                 FSharpMap<string, object> fdictionary = new FSharpMap<string, object>(listoftuples);                 //Console.WriteLine(fdictionary.Count);                  // TEST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                 Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();                 for (int index = 0, indexMax = randomIndexes.Length; index < indexMax; index++)                 {                     string i = randomIndexes[index];                     object value;                     dictionary.TryGetValue(i, out value);                 }                 sw.Stop();                 Console.WriteLine("SCGD - {0,10} MS - {1,10} Ticks", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, sw.ElapsedTicks);                  Stopwatch c5sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();                 for (int index = 0, indexMax = randomIndexes.Length; index < indexMax; index++)                 {                     string key = randomIndexes[index];                     object value;                     c5dictionary.Find(ref key, out value);                 }                 c5sw.Stop();                 Console.WriteLine("C5   - {0,10} MS - {1,10} Ticks", c5sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, c5sw.ElapsedTicks);                  Stopwatch isw = Stopwatch.StartNew();                 for (int index = 0, indexMax = randomIndexes.Length; index < indexMax; index++)                 {                     string i = randomIndexes[index];                     object value;                     idictionary.TryGetValue(i, out value);                 }                 isw.Stop();                 Console.WriteLine("Imm  - {0,10} MS - {1,10} Ticks", isw.ElapsedMilliseconds, isw.ElapsedTicks);                   Stopwatch fsw = Stopwatch.StartNew();                 for (int index = 0, indexMax = randomIndexes.Length; index < indexMax; index++)                 {                     string i = randomIndexes[index];                     fdictionary.TryFind(i);                 }                 fsw.Stop();                 Console.WriteLine("FS   - {0,10} MS - {1,10} Ticks", fsw.ElapsedMilliseconds, fsw.ElapsedTicks);             }         }     } } 
like image 283
sraj Avatar asked May 17 '13 15:05


People also ask

What is an immutable dictionary?

: not capable of or susceptible to change.

Are C# dictionaries immutable?

The ImmutableDictionary<TKey,TValue> class represents an immutable, unordered collection of keys and values in C#. However, you can't create an immutable dictionary with the standard initializer syntax, since the compiler internally translates each key/value pair into chains of the Add() method.

Why dictionary is fast in C#?

A dictionary uses a hash table, it is a great data structure as it maps an input to a corresponding output almost instantaneously, it has a complexity of O(1) as already pointed out which means more or less immediate retrieval.

Is ImmutableDictionary thread safe?

If you need an immutable dictionary use ImmutableDictionary , which is just thread-safe as side-effect (if you can't modify the original instance there is no multi-threading issue).

1 Answers

Your presumption that immutable dictionaries allow faster lookup is wrong, because the way almost all immutable collections manage to avoid copying the whole structure on 'modification' is by storing data in a tree and only copying some of the nodes on 'modification', sharing all other nodes. And tree access will generally be slower than accessing a flat array by index, as the mutable cousins do.

I compared the single-thread read performance of Dictionary<,>, ConcurrentDictionary<,>, and ImmutableDictionary<,> based on your code.

The average results of 30 runs, after warmup:

Read performance for various dictionary implementations

To get a feel for write performance, I also ran a test which adds 50 more entries to the dictionaries. Again, the average results of 30 runs, after warmup:

Write performance for various dictionary implementations

Tested on

  • .net 4.5.1
  • Microsoft Bcl Immutable

N.B. It should be noted that immutable dictionaries are so much faster and/or allow for higher levels of concurrency in many real life multi-threaded applications that otherwise would have to resort to slow or error-prone techniques like defensive copying, locking and the likes, in order to cope with mutability in the face of threads. This is especially true if you need snapshot-abilty such as for optimistic concurrency, MVCC.

Btw, if you run your sample code as is, the value for at least the immutable dictionary will be highly untypical in a normal (longer running) application, because for some reason the immutable dictionary apparently needs time to warm up. The difference in performance is enormous. Just have a look at the output of the first 3 runs:

Items    Dict   Conc   Immu ===========================    100   1.90   1.00 361.81   1000   1.07   1.00   4.33  10000   1.24   1.00   1.74 100000   1.00   1.33   2.71 ---------------------------    100   1.06   1.00   2.56   1000   1.03   1.00   4.34  10000   1.00   1.06   3.54 100000   1.00   1.17   2.76 ---------------------------    100   1.06   1.00   2.50   1000   1.66   1.00   4.16  10000   1.00   1.02   3.67 100000   1.00   1.26   3.13 

Your question was about read performance (of frozen dictionaries), but the tree characteristics of immutable collections show similarly in the write performance:

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━                        Mutable (amortized)  Mutable (worst)  Immutable  ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  Stack.Push            O(1)                 O(n)             O(1)        Queue.Enqueue         O(1)                 O(n)             O(1)        List.Add              O(1)                 O(n)             O(log n)    HashSet.Add           O(1)                 O(n)             O(log n)    SortedSet.Add         O(log n)             O(n)             O(log n)    Dictionary.Add        O(1)                 O(n)             O(log n)    SortedDictionary.Add  O(log n)             O(n log n)       O(log n)   ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 
like image 79
Evgeniy Berezovsky Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10

Evgeniy Berezovsky