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Intellij automatically converting FQN to imports


If I have code that has a bunch of fully qualified names in it (java.util.List, javax.swing.JLabel, etc.) is there a command in intellij that will automatically convert those to import the package and just use the class name?

like image 643
mentics Avatar asked Jun 10 '13 22:06


People also ask

How do I stop auto import in IntelliJ?

You can disable auto-import on completion and use quick-fixes instead: In the Settings/Preferences dialog ( Ctrl+Alt+S ), go to Editor | General | Auto Import. On the Auto Import page that opens, use the checkboxes in the TypeScript/JavaScript area to enable or disable import generation on code completion.

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Disable wildcard importsIn the Settings/Preferences dialog ( Ctrl+Alt+S ), select Editor | Code Style | Java | Imports. Make sure that the Use single class import option is enabled.

1 Answers

This can be achieved by first turning on inspection for this.

Open up the Settings dialog and go down to Inspections and then search for qualified keyword and then turn on Unnecessary fully qualified name inspection:

enter image description here

That will make all occurrences of FQN in the code being color marked:

enter image description here

Now place the cursor on one of the highlighted areas and press Alt+Enter and a popup will give you the choice to Fix all 'Unnecessary fully qualified name' problems:

enter image description here

And then all FQN's will have been replaced with imports at the top instead:

enter image description here

If you want to run this inspection on the whole project (instead of just the current file) then you can choose the Run inspection on... alternative in the context menu:

enter image description here

Then choose Whole project:

enter image description here

And then finally in the Inspection Results window choose to Apply Fix on the selection:

enter image description here

like image 96
maba Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09
