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Image size needed to cover screen in all devices in iPhone

I want to put an image on background of the sign up view. It needs to fill all screen density like iPhone 4,5,6,6S and iPAD. I will support portrait only.

What I have to do?

  1. Should I make a 1920X1080 (iPhone 6s Plus) and put that in background view and then set auto layout to cover full screen.
  2. Should I make ImageName@2x with size of 640X960, ImageName-667h@2x 1334X750 iPhone 6, ImageName-736h@3x 1920X1080 iPhone 6Plus, ImageName-568h@2x 640X1136 for iPhone 5?
like image 700
Saty Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 23:11


1 Answers

You should stick to the 2nd option (also consider using an asset catalog for that purpose instead of a set of images) because:

  • It will let the app package thinning feature to work.
  • It will help you avoid image distortion caused by image resizing.
  • It will reduce CPU rendering (which is implied by image re-scaling).

I hope this helps you make a wise choice. Cheers.

like image 81
Arthur Gevorkyan Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Arthur Gevorkyan