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Is there any equivalent of CI Image library(ios) in android?

I have seen the excellent default library called Core Image in iOS. How to apply same filters in android used in iOS Core image filters?Is there any equivalent library in android? or how to use core image library in android?

like image 657
Rajesh Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 03:11


1 Answers

Here are some image processing libraries that might help you:

enter image description here

Here are the links:

  • GPUImage for Android
  • Android Image Filtering
  • Android Fast Image Processing
  • Fresco Processors
  • Glide Transformations
  • ImageProcessingLib
  • JJIL
  • Picasso Transformations - TannerPerrien
  • Picasso Transformations - wasabeef

The source and compilation of all these libraries for Android can be found here.

like image 84
arvicxyz Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
